Chapter 20 - "Deads don't lie..."

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After hanging up on the call, Nandini turns towards the people who are still circling Harshad's dead body with lots of curiosity. Nandini requests sternly,

"Police are coming. Please vacant this place. You can contaminate the clues."

However, the caution couldn't pacify their interest, so, Nandini tries something better. She mouths,

"Well, who wants to give a statement, please stay. Police will interrogate you."

Within a minute, the place becomes empty. Who wants to get involved in police enquiry during a relaxing vacation? Nandini chuckles with satisfaction. This trick was necessary. She observes Harshad's dead body minutely and squats down to take a near view. It seems that the killer attacked Harshad from behind. Nandini removes the collar a bit. A red-bluish line is clearly visible on his throat. It could be a scarf, muffler, or a tie. Killer probably strangled him from behind with a soft silken rope-like thing. There is no chafe on the skin so, it can't be a rough material. He probably attacked Harshad abruptly because there is almost no sign of struggle to free his neck from the hold. Nandini calculates in mind. However, a question is running through her mind for a long. Was it Harshad who called her to meet here? Nandini frowns at her suspicion. Before the police come, she has to settle her doubts. She puts her hands into his pockets. She knows it is against the law but right now, she doesn't have any other option. After a brief search, she gets something into Harshad's left pocket of his jeans. She pulls it out with two fingers. It's a chit and an address is written over it. Nandini knows this address. She and Navya are staying at this guest house. Her frown gets deeper. Does that mean the person who threw that letter into her room last night was none other than Harshad? Nandini slightly turns Harshad's body to check his back pockets and finds his wallet and mobile. She searches the wallet but can't get anything important. There are only debit and credit cards, some money and a key to the hotel room where he was staying. Nandini squishes the wallet again into its previous place and switches on the mobile. Harshad didn't set any screen lock. A happy smile peeks on her lips. Without delay, Nandini opens the gallery. After some unimportant scenic view pictures, she gets what she wanted. Harshad definitely came here to keep an eye on Aliya. These pictures are the burning proof of that. In a picture, Aliya is strolling in a marketplace. On the other, she is talking to a local person. In a picture, she is getting into a toto. The next picture forms a 'V' on Nandini's forehead. Aliya is going upstairs to a two-storied house. It is certainly not a shop or a hotel. Neither is it the Raychaudhury Villa. Then where did she go and to whom? In the next picture, Aliya is coming back from that house. Her expression is angry and despondent. In fact, Nandini can see her eyes are red and teary. It seems she had a fight with somebody just a few minutes ago. Nandini scrolls left and right in the hope of more images but there are no such things which can lead her to a conclusion. Nandini mumbles,

"Better something than nothing. Thank you, Harshad!"

She immediately fishes out her mobile and clicks the pictures from Harshad's mobile gallery. She purposely didn't forward them from his mobile to hers as she doesn't want to leave any proof of her private investigation. At least not now. Nandini shoves the cell phone into Harshad's pocket again and stands up. She got what she wanted.

"Miss, Nandini Murthy?"

A virile voice catches her attention from behind. She flips and sees some police in front of her.

"Yes! I only called you. Here is the body. I am ready to give my statement."

She mouths confidently and walks forward.


"I don't want to listen to anything. First, you hid from me that somebody came here last night and gave a letter to you. Secondly, you went there alone without letting me know. And now, this murder number two. Do you have any idea how dangerous it could have been? What do you think of yourself? James Bond's granddaughter? Are you a police officer? Forget that! You don't even have a gun to protect yourself. What if that murderer attacked you? If he or she murdered you too? What did I say to Uncle? He permitted you to stay over here because I am with you. He left you under my care?"

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