Chapter 13 - "Instinct of a crime reporter..."

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The surrounding is pitch-black. Only the sound of dews that are dropping on the leaves is making this bleak and deafening silence scattered a bit. Nandini turns on her side holding the quilt against her upper chest. The soft snoring coming from Navya's side indicates that after a tiresome and nerve-wrenching day, she, at last, is having her deep slumber. Shravan is staying in the adjacent room. Although no sound is coming from that side too Nandini knows her Appa is still awake. After all, which father can sleep when his daughter is resting in peace in some cold drawer of the morgue? Nandini again turns and lies supine. Sleep is far away from her eyes too. All things are coagulating in her mind and she is trying to fix them in their proper place. She was contemplating the discussion that they had in the police station some hours ago. According to the police, Aliya was staying at Mr Rudra Raychaudhury's house as a guest because she didn't get a proper hotel. Some Micky Malhotra who is a singer in Motel Mount helped her in arranging this place. Aliya introduced herself as a tourist to him. Some other members including Motel's head chef Anupriya Sarkar and Bir Dhawan, Motel's percussionist stated that they saw Aliya once or twice in the Motel during the night performance. She never tried to talk to anyone instead enjoyed all performances. Mayor Raychaudhury also gave the same statement. Aliya mostly remained outside as she was a tourist. She used to come to their cottage to spend the night. She used to have dinner with him and his wife Dorothy. She hardly talked about her background or family. They only know that she was a model and came here for a vacation. The police have searched her belongings but haven't got anything particular that can help them in the case. There was no suicide note either. On that ground only, they are half-inclined to deny the possibility of suicide. Usually, nobody commits suicide during her vacation period. Unless and until something very unusual happens to them during that time. And here the most unusual thing is, the police haven't found Aliya's mobile around her dead body. Neither it was in her purse nor in her other bags. Nandini exhales sharply and places her arm on her forehead. Before going to sleep, she and Navya had an argument about it. While Nandini is adamant about these loopholes that clearly indicate that this is a murder case Navya is still inclined to other possibilities. Nandini remembers what exactly they were arguing on.


"Navya, Di can't commit suicide. I will never believe this. Because she sent a message to me a day before her death. In that, she wrote that she is in love. How could a person commit suicide when she was so happy just a day before?

Nandini's voice chokes. Navya rubs her back to console her and asks eagerly,

"Did she tell whom she loves? Name or any photo?"

"That's the problem. That was a one-line message. She never told his name or sent any picture. Navya, I think we should go to Motel Mount to find out the truth."

Nandini sounds determined.

"But what about Shravan Uncle? Tomorrow we will get Di's...body. Dhruv is also coming. Uncle wants to complete all rituals and crimination here only. And I also agree with him. It's not a natural death. So, it will be problematic to complete all formalities freshly once again in our home town. After that, we all have to go back home. Then how will you investigate the case? Uncle assured you that he will keep his eye on Tinchulye police whether they are properly investigating the case or not. He won't leave any stone unturned to find out the truth...if there is any such truth."

Navya states with confidence. Nandini flares her nose at her and retorts,

"That means you still have doubt that there is a hidden truth? Then what is Harshad doing here? As far as I know, Di didn't inform anyone about her whereabouts instead of me. Neither did she come here for any shooting. Then how her photographer friend came here? Coincidence? I don't think so. Navya, the cloth found in her fist, her missing mobile, her mysterious last message, Dhruv's suspicious movement and moreover Harshad's presence...all are indicating the same direction. It's a clear murder. And I won't go anywhere before finding the truth. Whether Appa and you support me or not, I will solve this mystery at any cost."

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