Getting closer to the naughty bits! Warnings and mature content coming up and stick with me, these next 2 chapters are pretty good if I do say so myself.
The meal had been spectacular, as always, and Ciel cupped the warm glass in his hands after he'd finished the toast, taking little sips, relishing the spicy sweetness. Sebastian silently moved about the room, finally able to find all the stray buttons hidden around the room. One day his young Lord would get the hang of buttons, but evidently today was not that day. Warm and relaxed in his bed, Ciel laid his head back against the headboard, little fingers still wrapped around the glass of warm milk and watched Sebastian finish picking up the room once again. It seemed his butler was almost always moving, and Ciel took note as he saw that Sebastian's hands were no longer bare, although he couldn't recall seeing him replace his gloves.
He wasn't sure when he started noticing Sebastian, the way he moved around the manor with such grace and elegance, but he had managed to be discrete about it... until recently. After the encounter with Trancy in the garden it seemed to be all he could think about. He looked over the top of his glass and let his eyes follow Sebastian across the room. Mismatched orbs fixed on the butler, taking him in in detail. The way the smile played lightly at Sebastian's lips as he bustled about, how thin and lean his body looked as he stretched himself out to his full, towering height to reach for the candle sconce on the wall. Sebastian lifted the glass sconce, pursed his lips, and let out a quick breath, snuffing the flame. Ciel held his glass to his lips, hiding a smile behind it.
"Leave them." Ciel said softly. "I'm not tired anymore." Sebastian nodded, taking a matchbook from his trouser pocket, and reaching back up for the glass sconce, standing on tiptoe. Ciel saw his forearm tense as he struck the match with his thumb, the flash of light reflecting off his eyes, making them brilliant red for a split second. The light restored, the butler nodded happily to himself and sighed softly, looking around.
"There. That's much better. You know, young Master, if you would pick up after yourself a little..." Taking a little sip of milk, Ciel he tilted his head a little, drawing his blanketed knees up to his chest and resting his chin upon them, the nearly empty glass still in hand.
"Isn't that what I have you for?" Sebastian laughed, placing a hand on his narrow hip and shook his head.
"While that is true, the Lady Elizabeth may not be so lenient regarding the chaos you leave in your wake." Ciel scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"What does that matter?" He replied softly, finishing the last drink of his milk before holding out the glass for Sebastian to take. The butler obliged, placing it on the tray beside the other dishes, setting the serving tray on a table beside the door. Once everything was in its place, he returned to his Master's bedside. Ciel just looked up at him for a moment, then his eyes fell to the butler's gloved hands. He slipped down a little further under the bedspread and laid his head back against the pillows, an arm thrown over his head, playing with a lock of his own hair.
"Is there anything else?" Sebastian rubbed his fingers together as his hands hung at his sides, looking over his little Master as he laid there in the giant bed, making him look like little more than a wisp of a thing. He longed to run his hands through that soft hair again, to feel that little body with his bare hands and claim it as his own.
"No." the bluenette replied simply, and as Sebastian bowed and turned to leave, Ciel spoke again, his voice only a murmur in the darkness "But I don't want you to go."

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)
Fanfiction*COMPLETE* Ciel has an unwanted guest at Phantomhive Manor; one who is determined to shake things up a bit. So things get pretty smutty as you get further in to the story... hope you all enjoy, please vote and comment if you do. *I do not own the...