Part 45

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Ciel slept, his dreams vivid and deep. He felt himself falling slowly; deposited softly into red silk sheets. He looked down at himself, naked and tugged at the sheets to cover himself, but couldn't seem to grasp their smooth fabric. He heard a voice calling to him, Sebastian's voice, and started to crawl towards it, but the figure that approached him was not Sebastian. Claude stood before him, a tall, stately butler's form casting a shadow down on him.

"Your Highness." He offered a hand and Ciel shook his head, curling up in an attempt to hide his naked body.

"No... don't call me that... that's not my name..." He shook his head fiercely, backing away from the offered hand, looking up at Claude, who smiled down at him, peering at him over the rim of his glasses, golden eyes following his movement.

"Of course it is, Your Highness, come... say my name." Ciel looked around frantically, but there was only white light surrounding them, nowhere for him to go. He continued to back away with each step Claude took towards him, hand still held out for him to take.

"No! No... this isn't right... something is wrong... where is Sebastian?" Claude shook his head, a slow grin creeping to his lips as he watched the young Lord desperately try to cover himself and crawl away at the same time.

"Sebastian is not here... I am your butler, Your Highness..." A gloved hand reached for him, and he screamed as fingers closed around his wrist, pulling him towards the golden eyed demon.

"NO! I want Sebastian! Give me back Sebastian! Where is he?! SEBASTIAN!!!!" He tried to pull away from the hand to no avail and screamed again as he was drawn into Claude's arms.

"SEBASTIAN!" Ciel jerked awake, sweating profusely, his breath rapid and shallow. Sebastian looked over at him, the cat sitting on his chest did the same. The bluenette looked at both sets of eyes watching him, and his own eyes filled with relieved tears as he realized it had all been a dream. "I... it was..."

"It was only a dream, Bocchan... I'm here... you are safe." He ushered Beatrice off his chest, and she went without protest. He wrapped Ciel in his arms, holding him close, letting him weep quietly until he settled. "Oh, little kitten. If I could take the nightmares, I would... I do hate to see you this way..." He kissed Ciel's head, stroking his hair lightly, his voice soft and kind, cooing to him. "Shh, I'm here with you... always with you..."

"I dreamed you were gone... he said he was my butler... I tried to get away from him, but he grabbed me..."

"Him? You mean Claude?" Ciel nodded, looking up at Sebastian sadly, his breath hitching occasionally as he tried to shake off the nightmare.

"I kept calling for you, but you didn't come..."

"Bocchan... I will always come to you." Ciel nodded again, finally calming, feeling a wave of relief at the presence of his butler, the cool, strong arms that held him close, capable of protecting him from everything, except his own mind. He nuzzled close to him; eyes still wet with tears. "Is there anything I can do to soothe you? Tea, perhaps? I could..."

"No!" Ciel sounded panicked and looked up at his butler, lip quivering, still obviously distressed. "No... just... don't let me go." Sebastian nodded, tightening his arms around his frightened Master, stroking his hair gently, occasionally whispering to him to soothe him. Beatrice approached cautiously, sniffing at Ciel's back and mewed quietly. A quiet whimper escaped the bluenette as Beatrice rubbed against his shoulder blade. She looked at Sebastian and meowed softly once more and he nodded wordlessly. The black bundle of fur curled up against the young Lord's back and purred quietly. It wasn't long before Ciel drifted back into a dreamless sleep, feeling secure in Sebastian's arms. 

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