Ciel lay silently in his bed, gazing at the door where his butler exited, his mind racing. He closed his eyes, lost in thought, flashes of memory still so vivid he could feel the heat emanating from Sebastian's skin. That had been new. Any time he was carried, held, or handled he could feel Sebastian's cool skin against him, especially without his gloves. This had been altogether different. He had looked at him, feral. True, he had seen that same predatory gaze before, to the same end, but even then, he'd still felt like himself, he'd felt he had some control over what was happening to him. Not this time. This time he felt like the prey he was, and when Sebastian demanded an answer, he had been honest. He was afraid, genuinely afraid, for the first time.
That fear, deep seated, and well founded, made him feel small and vulnerable. Fingers slipped to the wound at his neck, still tender to the touch, and he sighed softly, a little smile at his lips. Part of him enjoyed knowing Sebastian craved him so deeply, and, that when given the opportunity, he would take full advantage of it. Part of him felt the shame associated with the lust he felt himself, still not fully aware of what he wanted out of all this, or what drew Sebastian to covet him the way he did.
Shifting to lie on his back, Ciel looked up at the ceiling, a quiet sigh leaving his lips as he let his mind wander, reliving the intense interaction. He had never felt truly compelled to obey like that, and when Sebastian had ordered him to come closer, he had to fight the urge to comply at his first request. He wondered if it was part of the contractual bond, but he knew better, as he had spent years defying Sebastian's orders, partly just to prove he could do as he wished. That compliance was new, almost frightening, and ignited the ache in his groin. Lip caught between his teeth he pressed a hand to his growing erection and did his best to push his arousal to the back of his mind. He writhed a little, rubbing his cock through his shorts for only a moment before he rolled onto his side, curling his legs before him, tucking his hands beneath his pillow, closing his eyes.
The refusal to acknowledge his own arousal was nothing new, he had been resisting the urges for a while and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself. There was absolutely no way he would allow himself to indulge, especially under the circumstances, and with Sebastian to soon return. His mind strayed back to his butler, the way he had looked at him, handled him so forcefully. Ciel sat up sighing loudly. This wasn't going to work. He looked down at himself, erection straining his shorts, uncomfortable friction not entirely unwelcome. Shifting his hips, he shivered at the sensation, his mind flashing an image of Sebastian's lips wrapping around him, a vivid memory of heat, the too soft flick of his tongue as he slipped into the demon's waiting mouth. A quiet moan escaped him, and he shook his head, frustrated at his own lack of self-control. He threw back the blankets and hopped off the bed, going into the washroom.
Standing at the wash bason he splashed cool water on his face, letting it drip down his neck to cool the pulsating heat of his wound. He eyed himself in the mirror, fingers pressing delicately against the obvious bite mark at his throat. It throbbed terribly, but the pain refreshed the memory and he felt the ache he had been trying to ignore begin to resurface. He shook his head, splashing a little more water onto his face and went back bed, cuddling back into the still warm spot he had left.
Closing his eyes, he tried to focus on anything that didn't include his butler, finally settling on some minor detail from documents he had read earlier in the day. Eventually his arousal subsided, and he started to relax into his pillows, finally beginning to drift towards sleep.
Sebastian poked his head into the room without a knock, seeing Ciel lying in bed, seemingly asleep. He smiled and approached the bed silently, careful not to make a sound as he slipped off his shoes and into the bed beside Ciel. He saw a little smile form on Ciel's lips and knew he was caught but continued to shift in the bed until he found a comfortable position, lying on his side, head resting on one arm, the other draped loosely over his hip, fiddling with the chain from his pocket watch that gleamed softly in the darkness.
"Bocchan, I've brought your tea." Ciel kept his eyes closed, reaching out and pulling Sebastian closer to him. "Would you like me to let you sleep?"
"No." He whispered sleepily, curling into the strong arms that wrapped around him. Sebastian sighed softly, holding Ciel close until he stirred, raising his head to look up at him. "I wasn't sleeping..."
"Of course not, kitten. Come. Drink your tea." Ciel shook his head a little, yawning and rubbed his eyes with his fists, sitting up in bed. Sebastian followed suit and stood, bringing him the requested tea and lemon cake. Ciel took a little sniff of the tea and smiled, exhaling loudly as he leaned back against his headboard.
"And lavender. To help you sleep." Sebastian returned to his place beside Ciel and sat with him while he ate. Once he was finished, Sebastian took care of the dishes and sat beside him once more, stripping off his gloves slowly. Ciel saw him, and paused, a glimmer of hesitation in his eyes as the sight of his butler's pale hands. "Come, little kitten. Let me take care of your wounds." The tone in his voice, the gentle command made Ciel want to comply, but he didn't move, still sitting cross-legged, hands buried in his lap, hidden beneath the blanket. After a moment of waiting, Sebastian raised an eyebrow, crooking a finger to him. "Now, kitten." He could not stop himself from crawling towards Sebastian, kneeling beside him like some kind of pet. Sebastian smiled and stroked his cheek softly before scooping the bluenette into his arms. Enjoying his newfound respected authority, he took his time handling Ciel, pulling him close, bare palm covering the still inflamed wound at his throat. Ciel tensed and looked up at him meekly, lip caught between his teeth.
"Be gentle." He whispered, and Sebastian grinned deviously and winked before letting his eyes slip closed, that sudden blazing heat pressed to Ciel's neck making him cry out, pushing with all his strength against Sebastian's chest. The fruitless effort only made Sebastian grasp him harder, but the burn quickly faded and he slowly began to relax.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Ciel felt his throat, smooth and warm against his fingers, and looked up at his butler.
"It hurt."
"I know, kitten. But there's no other way to heal it so quickly."
"That wasn't what I meant." Mismatched eyes met Sebastian's as he sat there in his butler's lap, He cleared his throat, speaking softly, but with authority. "You can't keep doing that to me. If you need... a soul, then find one, but you can't keep taking it from me." Frowning, Sebastian nodded, running his fingers through bluenette locks, pressing Ciel's head into his shoulder in a light embrace.
"Understood, my Lord. I suppose I was a bit... harsh." Ciel looked up at him, rolling his eyes at the comment.
"That's a bit of an understatement, don't you think?"
"Perhaps." Sebastian smirked down at him, fingers stroking the back of Ciel's neck delicately. "But you can't expect a demon to control himself all the time."
"I suppose not, although you didn't seem to have a problem with it until recently." Ciel pulled back, looking at him with his most serious expression. "I've been too lenient with you. Letting you handle me like this... I think you've forgotten your place." Sebastian knitted his brow, not liking where this was going. "You've been ordering me around like you're the Master." Ciel fought a smile, still doing his best to be as stern and serious as possible. Sebastian saw that glint in his eye and smiled, pulling Ciel towards him once more.
"Don't pretend you don't like it, my little kitten." Goosebumps rose on the little Lord's skin at being called by his secret pet name, and in spite of the ache he felt in his groin, he maintained intense eye contact.
"Shut up. Stop that." He pulled free of Sebastian's arms, crawling back to his place on the bed cuddling back into his pillows. The butler laughed quietly, pulling the blankets up around him, tucking him into bed.
"You like it." He whispered, kissing the little Lord's forehead softly, and Ciel smiled up at him before closing his eyes. "Sleep well, my little kitten. I'll wake you for breakfast." Sebastian slipped silently from the room, leaving Ciel to his dreams.

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)
Fanfiction*COMPLETE* Ciel has an unwanted guest at Phantomhive Manor; one who is determined to shake things up a bit. So things get pretty smutty as you get further in to the story... hope you all enjoy, please vote and comment if you do. *I do not own the...