With breakfast long eaten, Ciel sat on the bed, letting Sebastian dress him. He smiled down at his butler and pushed at his knee gently with a stocking clad foot. With a little smile, Sebastian slipped his fingers lightly up the arch of Ciel's foot and the bluenette started to giggle, pulling his foot away quickly
"Stop that... it tickles..." Sebastian smiled and continued dressing him. "How long do we have this time?"
"As long as you like. The servants are on leave." He offered Ciel a hand and the young Lord stood, allowing Sebastian to buckle his belt, tugging at his hips gently. He smiled a little and blushed, placing his hands lightly on Sebastian's to steady himself.
"On leave?"
"Yes. I'll send for them when the time comes. Until then..." he tugged at Ciel's belt again, smiling down at him. "It is only you, and I." The bluenette smiled and looked away. "After all, there are things we need to discuss." Ciel's smile fell away, and he looked up at his butler curiously.
"What things?" Sebastian smiled down at him and swept the young Lord into his arms, resting him gently against his hip. Ciel wrapped his own arms around Sebastian's shoulders, still looking at him.
"Us, kitten." Ciel blushed and laid his head against Sebastian's shoulder, little fingers stroking the demon's raven hair gently.
"Us." He repeated quietly, fiddling with Sebastian's hair.
"Yes. If you want there to be an 'us', we need to talk about it." Ciel made a disgruntled sound, scratching his nails over Sebastian's neck lightly as he was carried from the bedroom and taken to the study. When they entered, Ciel slipped from Sebastian's arms and went to his desk, plopping into his chair gracelessly.
"Fine... what about it?" Sebastian pulled up another chair and sat beside Ciel, leaning an elbow on the young Lord's desk, gazing at him kindly.
"There will be rules, you know." Ciel nodded, leaning back in his chair, legs crossed at the knee and met Sebastian's gaze, impatient. "You will not go about flirting with..." Waving the idea away with a flick of his wrist, the bluenette shook his head.
"Yes, yes, no flirting."
"Let me finish, kitten. You will not go about flirting with other men. Or women. Or Alois Trancy." Ciel nodded, fiddling with his ring, occasionally looking over to Sebastian, whose gaze never left him. "Especially Trancy."
"That goes for you too, you know. You can't go about... acting all lecherous and... and... like you do." Trying not to smile, Sebastian nodded in agreement.
"I shall do my best to confine my lechery to your bedroom." Sebastian took Ciel's hand, thumb grazing his knuckles softly. Ciel nodded again, bottom lip caught between his teeth. "Our secret will..."
"No. I don't want it to be secret."
"Well, I suggest you get use to the idea. It would be terrible for your reputation should you go about announcing our affair." Mismatched eyes rolled and he sighed loudly.
"Of course not! Not in public... but not at home. I don't want to hide it here." Sebastian smiled in spite of himself and laughed quietly.
"I think that if you just..."
"No. I won't. If there are visitors... then that's different... but if it's just us... Mey-Rin is the only one who knows, and she'll keep it quiet..."
"I'm afraid you're mistaken. Apart from dear, innocent Finny, we have been discovered." Ciel dropped his head, picking at his nails. "I will ensure our secret is kept within the manor, kitten, but your servants are not stupid. They see more than you give them credit for." Ciel nodded again and looked up at Sebastian shyly.

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)
Fanfiction*COMPLETE* Ciel has an unwanted guest at Phantomhive Manor; one who is determined to shake things up a bit. So things get pretty smutty as you get further in to the story... hope you all enjoy, please vote and comment if you do. *I do not own the...