Part 17

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Ciel took his time, occasionally stumbling a little over his own lanky legs, and eventually came to his door. Stumbling into the room, he sat in the lounge chair beside the bed, legs crossed at the knee, a hand rubbing his temple softly. These weren't things he wanted to discuss, he didn't want to delve back into that terrible month that left him battered and broken, both physically and mentally, but he also knew that since they were alone, he had no choice, and Sebastian would not let the matter rest until it had been addressed.

It wasn't long before a soft knock announced his butler's presence and the door clicked open, then closed. Ciel couldn't see him from his position in the lounge chair, but he could hear Sebastian's soft footsteps, the serving tray set lightly upon a table, the comforting sounds of his everyday life. The little Earl sighed, setting his glass upon the nightstand, resting his hands on his lap.

"My Lord." A quick bow. "Are you ready to retire for the evening?"

"No." Sebastian awaited his orders, and when none were forthcoming, he started to busy himself once more. Ciel watched him and after several minutes he spoke. "I want to play a game." Sebastian smiled and returned to his side, offering a hand, which Ciel took, to help him stand and walked him to the small two seat game table near the window. It was already set with chess, but as Ciel sat at the table he flicked the opposing king and it fell backwards, a soft ivory thud as it landed. "Not chess. Something else. Bring the backgammon set." Without a word Sebastian nodded and retrieved a leather briefcase from a narrow closet across the room. He quickly put away the chess pieces, then laid out the backgammon set and prepared the board for play. Once he was finished, he stood silent beside the table, awaiting the invitation, and Ciel motioned to the chair opposite him with the glass he held in his hand. Sebastian bowed his head a little and sat. Acting under the impression that his silence was his best option, he rested his hands in his lap, waiting for some type of cue. Ciel rolled the dice. "What shall we play for?"


"You heard me. What shall we play for? What do you want if you win?" Ciel leaned back in his chair, slouching over to one side a little, his legs crossed primly at the knee. Sebastian leaned back a little himself and thought for a long moment. Ciel continued then, eyeing the pips on the board carefully. "If I win, we will never discuss any of this again. You will mind your business about it and stop prying. And stop the others as well, I'm tired of all of you interfering in my personal business." Sebastian nodded in understanding and leaned forward a little, offering a slender, gloved hand across the board.

"Then I suppose if you lose, we will be discussing the matter at length, this one time only." Ciel rolled his eyes and shook Sebastian's hand, taking a little drink from his glass, beginning the game. Sebastian knew the inebriation of his Master would lean in his favor, and through the course of the game it became apparent that Ciel had not known how well Sebastian could play a game older than chess, and just as strategic. The little Lord sighed as he watched the pips rack on the other side of the board, too many of his own still in place to accomplish a win at any point.

"You cheated..."

"I assure you; I did no such thing. I have simply had plenty of practice. Backgammon is the world's cruelest game. Now..." Sebastian rubbed his hands together, preparing to stand.

"Best two out of three."

"That was not the deal."

"I'm changing the deal."

"No, my Lord. You are not. You agreed to the terms. Now come, let me dress you for bed and you can tell me all about it." Sebastian smiled indulgently and stood, Ciel crossed his arms over his chest and pouted for a moment before standing himself. They moved to the side of the bed, Ciel leaning there while Sebastian knelt before him, diligently unlacing boots; he felt the familiar tap that requested his food be raised, and he obliged. He stood silent, his hands resting against the bed as he leaned unsteadily against it. He stared down at Sebastian, half expecting a repeat of their last encounter, but the butler went about his duties without so much as a slowing of his hand. Ciel hiccupped, a hand quickly covering his mouth before another hiccup followed. Sebastian smiled and stood. "A bit too much brandy, my Lord?" Ciel's cheeks reddened a little and he stood to his full height, swaying for only a moment as he got his bearings.

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