Part 51

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#Triggerwarning Noncon


Sebastian sat cross legged in the floor in front of Ciel, who still had his face buried in his skirts, back pressed firmly into the corner of Sebastian's room, crying quietly. This had been going on well over a half an hour, and with each passing moment Sebastian grew more concerned, feeling more helpless as time went on. When the bluenette's sobs had slowed for a while, Sebastian finally spoke again, his tone imploring and kind.

"My Lord, please... will you tell me what's the matter?" Beatrice wandered into the room now that things had quieted and sat beside Sebastian, looking up at him, then over to Ciel curiously.

"Just... go away. Leave me alone." Ciel's voice was quiet, still trembling as the last of his sobs escaped him.

"Master, I will not leave you here like this... what kind of butler would I be?"

"I said go, damnit! Just leave me be..." Beatrice meowed quietly and rubbed up against Ciel's leg, making him pull away, drawing himself further into the corner. Sebastian clicked his tongue and Beatrice turned to look at him but refused to leave Ciel's side.

"Come now, my Lord... please, at least let me take you..." The butler offered his hand once more, but Ciel slapped it away, screaming at him.

"NO! DON'T TOUCH ME! Get away from me... leave me alone... just... just STOP!" Beatrice puffed up at the shouts and looked at Sebastian curiously, then rubbed against Ciel again, curling up beside him, purring quietly. Sebastian furrowed his brow, looking at them both, then sat back.

"I won't touch you; you have my word... but please, kitten, you must tell me what's the matter..." Several moments passed in silence before Ciel looked up from his boney knees, mismatched eyes shining with tears as he looked at Sebastian for the first time since his fit. The intensity of his episode had caused his amethyst eye to leak crimson tears, something that had only happened a handful of times before, and blood trailed down his cheek, smudged across his face, staining the white apron he wore. He rubbed at his eye with his fist and smeared the blood further across his cheek, sniffling softly. Looking down at his bloody fist his eyes widened, and Sebastian sighed quietly, looking away in shame. He stood and retrieved a washcloth and dipped it into the cool water basin, wringing out the excess water before sitting before Ciel again, offering it to him, cautious not to overstep any invisible boundary. The bluenette shook his head, closing his eyes and laid his head back down on his knees as Sebastian spoke, trying to coerce him into explaining his fit. "If you would permit me to see for myself..." Ciel rubbed his contract eye and shook his head again, hiding his face, afraid he would be unable to tolerate such an intimate touch. Beatrice continued to rub against Ciel's leg, purring quietly. He finally reached down a hand to pet her, and she rewarded him with a little meow, her purr growing stronger. "... then please, tell me what I've done that's caused this."

"I don't want to." Sebastian sighed quietly and nodded, lying down on his side in the floor, propped up on an arm, looking up at Ciel as he wiped tears from his eyes, still sniffling quietly. The young Lord glanced down at him and sat up a little, pulling the silk panties from around his ankles and tossing them aside, crossing his legs before him. He buried his hands in his skirt in an attempt to hide himself as much as he could and Beatrice took this as a cue to crawl into his lap, purring loudly as she kneaded her paws into the fabric. Sebastian reached up and snatched the blanket from off his bed, offering it to Ciel. The young Earl nodded and took it, draping it over his head and shoulders, hiding himself completely, save for his face and hands. Beatrice purred from within the blanket cave and Ciel finally began to grow calm.

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