Part 59

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Sebastian had spent a fair amount of time just wandering the city before he stopped before the Undertaker's door. He paused there, pondering whether or not to go in when the door peeked open, and a pair of bright green eyes peeked out at him.

"... hehehehe... You! I knew you'd come... come in! Come in!" Against his better judgement, Sebastian sighed quietly and entered the dark room, closing the door behind him.

Over a beaker of flat, tasteless tea, Sebastian spilled his situation. He hadn't intended to do so, but having no one else to talk to, he hadn't been left much of a choice. Undertaker giggled quietly through the confession, outright laughing when it came to its conclusion.

"So... hehehe... you let him get to you." Sebastian hung his head, a little nod as he looked down into the beaker.

"I suppose so, yes." Giggling quietly, Undertaker munched a biscuit and sipped his tea.

"I knew it would happen. You can't expect a little Lord not to develop feelings for the man who cares for him... and for those feelings to be reciprocated."

"Well, I expected it. I suppose I was a fool to think I could keep him from it." The reply gave him pause, and the reaper gave Sebastian a sideways glance before he spoke.

"Yes, you are a fool." Undertaker let out a furious run of laughter then, and Sebastian rolled his eyes, regretting his decision to come here.

"You're no help."

"No, I'm not. But you know what happens in the end... you're not going to be able to stop it... and that means you have to make a choice."

"So, then what are my options? I continue to push him away until our contract is fulfilled... or I lie and let him believe the feelings he has are mutual and... "

"Are they not? Could have fooled me." Sebastian shot him a look, eyes suddenly crimson fire.

"You know just as well as I do that I cannot feel..." Undertaker cut him off.

"You've been saying that for years, but we both know it isn't true." Long nails tapped the table they sat it, scraping along the wood as Undertaker picked a biscuit from the plate between them. "You can repeat it until the end of time, and that isn't going to make it true." Sebastian paused and shook his head slowly, bent on denying the obvious.

"Being a glorified reaper does not make you an expert on demons."

"I don't have to be an expert on anything to know the difference between 'cannot' and 'will not'." Undertaker laughed hysterically, and Sebastian rolled his eyes again. "Think about it. Put yourself outside of it. A loyal butler and his little Master; a weak little Lord without a family to love him. The butler cares for him, showing him every luxury and showering him with little kindnesses, teaching him how to be a man, learning from him..."

"Our contract states..." Undertaker waved away the comment and took a sip of his tea.

"Yes, yes, the pesky contract, your scapegoat... you negate everything to the contract, as though it weren't how you got close to him in the first place." With a sneer Sebastian shook his head, fingers tapping impatiently on the table.

"Do you think I chose him out of a pool of ruined little Lords? He called for me." Green eyes cast a side glance at Sebastian's tone and Undertaker shook his head.

"He called for a demon and you showed up. And now you're accustomed to him. You find pleasure in caring for him. I've seen the way you look over him, you can't deny it." Sebastian scoffed loudly and laughed.

"As though it were a vacation, caring for my spoiled little kitten. I assure you; he is not always an easy Master." Undertaker grinned and burst into another flood of laughter. Sebastian looked at him curiously and waited for the laughter to subside.

"... your little kitten, huh?" Curiosity fell away from the butler's face and he averted his eyes, jaw tightening as he realized what he'd said, and to whom. "No wonder... you made him love you. Maybe not consciously, but you did... calling him pet names."

"No... no that's not..." Sebastian stood and shook his head. "He likes it when I..." As the words came out the realizations grew clearer. "...he needs someone to care for him, he's... too weak, too fragile to take care of himself..." He sat back down, mind reeling "... I've only ever done what it in... his best interest..." Undertaker's smile grew wider as he listened.

"Why? Because he is your Master? Because he is your meal? Because it is in your contract to do so?"

"No." Sebastian said softly, lost in his thoughts as they raced through his mind, the true realization dawning upon him as he sat there, staring down into a filthy beaker of weak tea. There it was. Sebastian let his head fall into his hands, elbows on the edge of the table. "Fuck." he whispered finally. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Ear splitting laughter rang through the room as Undertaker threw himself into the floor, laughing hysterically. "Can't you contain yourself long enough to help me? You're supposed to be a reaper... compassionate for the mortal soul."

"Compassion isn't my strong suit... and you are not mortal."


"Well... If you're going to do it, you've got to make changes. Can't keep lying to him about it, the truth will come out eventually."

"I have not lied..." Green eyes narrowed at him, and Sebastian cleared his throat. "I may have neglected to go into great detail..."

"You would have to breach the contract, wouldn't you?" Sebastian went silent, staring down into his untouched beaker of tea. "What happens when you do?" There was a long pause between them as Sebastian chose his words carefully, remembering Beatrice. His voice was quiet and solemn when he finally responded.

"I do not know."

"Then I suggest you do your research, lest you lose your... little... kitten." With each word his laughter grew stronger until he rolled on the floor once more and Sebastian stood, staring down at him.

"Pull yourself together, Reaper."

"You first!" Laughter followed Sebastian as he left the Undertaker lying on the floor, holding his sides. The demon closed the door and made his way out into the street, hopping lightly up to the roof, perching precariously there, eyes cast toward the Phantomhive Estate.

This had become a highly complicated affair, and his little Master's actions had pushed him into a move he hadn't been prepared to make. He'd resisted the idea, brushing away the signs and innuendos, pretending he had no stake in the game. There were decisions to be made now, and he needed a little time to make them, but time was a luxury he would not be afforded. He knew exactly what the consequence of his decisions would be, regardless of what he chose, and he needed to weigh the outcomes against the alternatives. It was time to make his choice.

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