Part 34

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Sebastian knocked lightly on Ciel's door and entered. The young Earl still lay in the center of the bed, draped in blankets, his hands balled up into dainty fists. Sebastian smiled, quietly setting up breakfast before sitting lightly on the side of the bed and leaned close. He brushed a few locks of hair away from Ciel's closed eyes.

"Bocchan?" Ciel jerked awake, eyes shot open, and his breath caught in his throat. He sat up quickly, backing away from Sebastian, not really seeing him, and fumbled for his revolver, taking aim at his butler's forehead. Sebastian held up his hands, a kind smile on his lips as he continued. "Bocchan, please... it's only me... you're safe here." Ciel blinked several times, shaking his head to clear the sleep fog from his brain. He focused on Sebastian then, sitting with long legs crossed at the knee, gloved hands held up before him in a 'surrender' pose. "It's only me." Ciel lowered the revolver and wiped sweat from his brow, gasping for air. Sebastian smiled sweetly and brought him a cup of tea. Ciel shook his head and leaned back on his pillows, still catching his breath. "The nightmares again?"

"Yes." Sebastian nodded, offering him a hand, and helping him from the bed. Little feet smacked the floor and he moved to the table where his breakfast was waiting. Eyes widened at the spread before him, pancakes, berries, milk, juice, a scone, a poached egg and sausages. "... what's all this?" He looked at Sebastian as he sat down, and the butler smiled at him, hand over his heart as he bowed.

"Breakfast. You must be famished." Ciel laughed quietly at the giant breakfast before him, shaking his head.

"Not this famished."

"Well, be that as it may, you need something more than scones and tea if you expect to keep your strength up." Ciel started on breakfast, making a relatively good dent in the plates before him. Sebastian bustled around the room, straightening and cleaning quietly, preparing Ciel's clothes for the day. When the bluenette finished his breakfast, he stood, making his way to the washroom as Sebastian cleaned up the remains of breakfast.

"What is the schedule today?" He asked as he left the washroom, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as he waited for Sebastian to dress him.

"... I thought today you would appreciate a bit of time to yourself... I've cleared the schedule, save for afternoon tea with Madam Red. It seems she is planning a costume ball for the upcoming holiday..."

"Another costume ball? No. No I don't want to do that..."

"It's expected you attend, even if only for a brief..."

"I said no." Ciel shook his head adamantly, arms crossed before him indignantly.

"Then I'm afraid you'll need to tell her yourself, as I have no say in the matter." Ciel rolled his eyes and Sebastian laughed, beginning the process of dressing his little Master. Ciel looked down at him as he knelt between his knees, lip caught between his teeth for a moment before he leaned down, capturing Sebastian's lips with his own, wrapping his arms around his butler's shoulders. Sebastian came up from his knee enough to press Ciel back on the bed, taking both his wrists in one hand, pinning them above his head. "This... is a dangerous game you play, little kitten. We've already aroused suspicion." Ciel had been tugging at his wrists, trying to free himself from Sebastian's powerful grip, but at the words, he stopped, eyes wide as he looked up at him.

"What? No... I... we've been careful... haven't we?"

"Yes, we have... but you, Bocchan... you are very vocal..." he licked the side of Ciel's neck, causing him to gasp loudly and pull to get away. Sebastian smiled and whispered into his ear "... and while I find it particularly lecherous, it appears your other servants have heard you." He released Ciel's wrists, and the young Earl sat up, his eyes wide. He looked at Sebastian, unsure of what he should do.

"They heard me? Who? What did they hear?" Sebastian knelt again, continuing the process of dressing him for the day.

"It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we devise a way to keep you quiet." Sliding his fingers up the inside of Ciel's thigh, fingertips dancing lightly against the sensitive skin. Ciel blushed, shifting at the gentle touch, looking at Sebastian shyly.

"I didn't think I was..."

"Oh, you are, little kitten..." He leaned close as he stripped his own shirt from Ciel's body, whispering to him. "...and should I have my way, I would have you screaming my name. But..." he slid his hands down Ciel's sides, admiring the little Earl for a moment before turning away to retrieve his fresh shirt. "...unfortunately, you must learn to be quiet." Ciel took his eyepatch from the table, fiddling with it as Sebastian went about dressing him.

"... do they know?"

"No. I've made sure no one will speak of it, and as long as you can keep your voice down, no one will be the wiser." Ciel nodded and stood as Sebastian finished dressing him. Ciel offered him the eyepatch and he tied it securely, lifting Ciel's chin afterwards, looking him over. "Mm. Lovely." A little smile, and he stepped aside, Ciel started towards the door, then stopped, turning to glance over his shoulder at Sebastian.

"I suppose you'll have to teach me, then." Sebastian smiled, eyes flashing brilliantly for a moment.

"I can be a very stern taskmaster."

"Good. It seems I have lessons to learn." Sebastian's smile grew and Ciel nodded, leaving his butler to finish his duties in the bedroom. 

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