3. emma's kooky, reclusive biology professor

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The last half hour of the now crowded car trip was uneventful, but the seating arrangements had made for some jokes. Paul was still driving, but Alice had called shotgun. Ted, who had drank some alcohol from the wine shop in the mall, had originally volunteered to sit on the roof in a dead serious tone, but ended up laying on the floor. Emma and Bill were in the backseat, and even though there was plenty of room for Ted to sit between them, he refused. He liked his floor. Hey, who were they to argue? The world was ending for fuck's sake.

Anyway, now they had a crew of three adults, one older child, and a tipsy Ted.

Everyone stood around Emma, waiting for what would happen as she rang the buzzer outside of Professor Hidgens' house. If it could be called a house, even. This place was huge. It had to have at least seven bedrooms. How did a teacher have this month money? Maybe it's because he was a professor or whatever.

"Who is it?" They heard Hidgens' voice.

"Professor Hidgens, it's-"

"Don't lie to me, whoever you are! I'm Professor Hidgens!"

Emma let out a frustrated sigh. He made that joke every damn time.

"It's me, Emma Perkins? We were here, like, a week ago? When you killed Charlotte? And those other dudes?"

"Who's with you?"

"Jesus christ, why can't he just let us in?" Alice groaned. Ted nodded in agreement.

"Uhh, Paul, And Ted, Alice and Bill, can we please come in?"

The gate slowly opened and the five rushed inside, hearing it close behind them immediately with a loud clank. Hidgens opened the door, obviously exhausted, and looked at everyone. He held a gun and pointed it lazily.

"Sing the song from The Little Mermaid," He demanded, suddenly forcing himself to get more energy. Poor guy had been working himself all day and night for the past weeks trying to find a cure for the infected.

"Come on, Professor-"

"Sing, god damnit!" He raised his voice a bit louder.

"Uhhh, and at last I see the light!" Ted started, still a little drunk.

"That's Rapunzel, you fuckin' dumb dumb!" Alice rolled her eyes, and Bill scolded her before joining the singing.

"I wanna be where the people are!"

"Kiss the girl! You wanna kiss the girl!"

"Up on the shore they play all day!"

All of them were singing at once and Hidgens couldn't contain a giggle at how bad they sounded.

"Okay. That was absolutely terrible. Come in."

He opened the door more and let the five in.

"Set your bags on the ground wherever, are you leaving again or staying?"

Paul looked at Emma, then at Bill, seeing if they were or not.

"I think we should," He finally said. Emma nodded, and Bill was a bit hesitant but eventually agreed. Alice shrugged, she didn't really care. Ted was already sliding his shoes off.

"Alright. Make yourselves at home. There are some guest bedrooms upstairs if you'd like. The pantry is over there if you want a snack."

For a minute, everyone just stood there awkwardly.

"Well? Go! Make yourselves at home. I'll make us dinner around, uh...Alexa?"

There was a chime from the little robot in response. Hidgens seemed amazed as ever.

"...What time is it?"

"The time is 5:25 PM."

Hidgens grinned. "Extraordinary. Go upstairs, unpack, dinner is at six!"

At that, everyone left.

They went upstairs as a group. Paul and Emma claimed the bedroom that was closest to the stairs as it had a double bed they could share. Ted got the one across from theirs that also has a double bed, because, and I quote, "I'm worth it." Alice got the room with old wooden bunk beds and Bill's room was across from hers.

The digital alarm clock in the room told Paul that it was 5:30, so he had a while to unpack. He put the two extra pairs of clothes he had into the closet and set his shoes by the door. Emma did the same and threw herself down onto the bed.

"I'm gonna nap before dinner," She mumbled, pulling the blankets closer to her. Paul smiled and kissed her forehead, putting an extra blanket over her.


"Okay...love you," She didn't realize how tired she was until she was asleep two seconds later.

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