14. in which two gay spies meet a group of idiots of all ages

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Curt and Owen stepped into the house after Henry, looking around to take in their new surroundings. Henry led them to the main living area where everyone else was waiting to see who was at the door.

"Who the fuck are they?" Ted asked from his place draped across the couch. Emma walked over and literally picked up Ted's legs, set them on the floor, and sat down where they were as he spoke.

"Oh, uh, hi, I'm Curt." Curt said, followed by Owen just waving and saying "Owen."

"Curt was a previous student of mine, a few years before you were Emma. Owen is his..." Henry looked over.

"Fiancé," Owen finished the sentence.

"Fiancé, okay. Didn't know you two were engaged," Henry smiled at them, "Congrats."

"Thanks," The two said at the same time.

"Okay, well, let's introduce you to the totters I guess," Henry started after a silent moment.

"That's Emma, she is also a former student of mine and a barista at a coffee shop. That one is Paul, him and Emma are a thing-" Both of them blushed at that, "- and he's the one who destroyed the meteor." Henry pointed at the two, who were near each other, as he spoke.

"That's Ted. He's..." Henry hesitated but composed himself before anyone noticed. "He works at CCRP with Paul and Bill." He pointed at Bill, "That's Bill, Alice's dad, and that's Alice."

Bill greeted the two quietly as Henry moved to gesture at Deb.

"And finally, that's Deb, Alice's girlfriend."

Henry turned back to the two new men in his house.

"You guys can introduce yourselves. Go on," He waved at the group, gesturing for them to do as he said.

"Oh, okay. I'm Owen, I work as an agent, and...that's it."

"I'm Curt. Also an agent. And my favorite color is yellow."

Everyone said 'hello's and Henry went off into the kitchen, after telling them to make themselves at home. He came back holding a plate, on top of which were a bunch of chocolate chip cookies.

"When did you get time to bake these?" Ted asked excitedly as Henry set them onto the coffee table.

"Well, uh...I didn't. They're Chips Ahoy."

Everyone laughed and took a cookie or two.


Curt and Owen had been shown to one of the guest bedrooms previously by Henry and were now putting their stuff away. Curt was fussing over how his new suit had to look pretty while it hung up and Owen was just trying to sleep- it was pretty late now, about 10:30. Well, kind of late. Either way, he was tired.

"Curt, the suit is perfectly fine, stop fucking with it."

"No, it's not, I want it to look nice-"

"Oh my god. Just come lay down, love, it's fine. You can fix it in the morning if you have to," Owen yawned. He just wanted to be able to sleep,

"Fine! You're so mean to me," He whined and lay down on the bed, next to Owen.

"I'm the mean one? You've been keeping me from my sleep for an hour!" Owen whined back, nudging Curt with his elbow.

"Whatever, man. I'm going to sleep."

"Finally. Goodnight, love."

"Mhm. 'Night."


yeah this is short af i have writer's block and also work was tiring. i don't know where this book is going, how to reach a climax for it, or how i'm gonna end it. maybe a 'they all live happily ever after', maybe not. we'll see.

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