4. ted's bisexual backstory

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this the fourth chapter i've written and i started this less than four hours ago i am mentally ill


Thirty minutes passed and everyone emerged from their new rooms, Ted being the first. He had slightly sobered up by now, but was still a bit out of it. He'd been really into drinking ever since Charlotte was killed. Although it had been a week, and it was for the better, it still hurt. He liked Charlotte a lot. More than just a fling, but now that he thought about it he wasn't sure anymore. It was only the second time he had genuinely liked someone and wanted a relationship, this first time being in college, with a man that ended up being his first love.

Enough of his backstory of bisexuality. He was now on his way down the stairs.

He sat down at the dinner table he assumed they would be eating at. Hidgens waved and looked at him.

"Hey Ted, how've you been?" He started to strike a conversation. Ted shrugged, looking back at the man.

"It's been alright, and you?"

"Not bad."

The conversation ended there. Hidgens looked away, but Ted kept looking.

Ted, what the fuck is wrong with you? His head screamed, your affair just died and now you think the old crazy dude is hot?

Jesus Ted.

He was very, very relieved when everyone else came downstairs. First was Paul and Emma together, then Bill, and then Alice.

Hidgens set down plates in front of everyone and set the food he had made in the center of the table. Mashed potatoes, french fries, and get this; chicken nuggets.

Paul grabbed a handful of the chicken nuggets immediately.


Dinner was over now and everyone was gathered in the living room. Hidgens had a whole pool table in his living room. Ted and Paul were having a very close game of eight-ball, with emma sitting on a bar stool watching and cheering Paul on. Alice was sat on the couch reading a book titled Spies are Forever; The War With Russia. Bill and Hidgens were getting very, very competitive over a game of Monopoly. Five minutes passed. Alice put down her book and joined the Monopoly, and then Emma joined, and then Paul and Ted called a truce on eight-ball and joined as well.

An hour later, Alice was desperately clutching 100,000 dollars worth of Monopoly money while Hidgens and Ted were in a shouting match over who owned which property. Paul was trying to roll the dice since his turn was skipped four times due to the chaos, Bill and Emma were just trying to get out of debt.


It was now one AM. Paul and Bill, the only reasonable people of the group, had gone upstairs to sleep in their rooms already, around eleven. Emma had just left to go back upstairs into her and Paul's room. Alice went upstairs around midnight and was still awake playing games on her phone.

That left Ted and Hidgens on the couch. Ted's head went back to his thoughts earlier and he thanked whatever god there was that the room was dark, so the Professor couldn't see his slightly flushed face. But Ted had a few more drinks, and there was a wave of confidence that suddenly washed over him. He decided to say something.

"Thanks for letting us stay here. You're a cool guy, Professor."

Jesus Ted, you couldn't have said something more flirty?

"Hey, it's no problem. Oh, and you don't have to call me professor, you're not my student. Just call me Henry."

Hidgens- er, Henry- smiled at him.

"Okay, Henry. I really do appreciate it."

"It's no problem, Ted, really."

Ted smiled back and laid back against the couch. Henry did the same and the two were asleep within five minutes.



i wasn't sure about tedgens at first but then i read a fic and now i'm attached so <3

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