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I couldn't process anything. I didn't even get the chance to scream before I felt myself get practically tackled, my body pressing into the seat of the booth. I didn't stay there for long, getting tugged under the table.

The restaurant, once calm was now filled with screams of terror. I was pulled against Vincent's body as gunshots sounded over the sounds of frightened people. I glanced to my side, noting that both the man and woman had slumped to the side, blood pouring out of their wounds. The man was shot right in the forehead while the woman got shot twice in the chest.

It felt like I couldn't breathe. Being in the mafia came with a plethora of violence. However, due to my protective father and brother, I was shielded from it. But it brought me back three years when I was fourteen and I watched my cousin Paul get shot in front of my face. But really, before that and my mother's death, I wasn't exposed to as much.

I was shocked.

"Are you okay, Lex?" Vincent whispered to me, right in my ear, trying to not be heard but still wanting to check.

I couldn't form words. It felt like they were all stuck in my throat like ants in a circle made of chalk. I just nodded against him.

Once the shots ended, although my ears were still ringing, I heard footsteps approach the table.

"Don, sei al sicuro," the voice spoke.

Vincent pulled me back up into the booth with him and I noticed that Dante was also under with us, I just didn't see him due to how close Vincent was holding me, one hard arm around my waist and the other holding my head in place.

I noticed the girl Dante was with, sitting by the woman the man brought was also shot in her chest, her head tilted back, blood covering her. My lips parted in shock.

"Fuck," Dante muttered.

"Is she dead?" I whispered.

He leaned over, getting a better look before nodding.

"Fottimi!" Dante groaned, looking over at Vincent. "Vin," he paused, looking for the words.

"I know," Vincent cut him off, "let's just go," he slowly got out of the booth.

"The fucking legal work, Vin, fuck," Dante groaned nearing us, running a hand through his hair, "what are gonna fuckin' do? Just fuckin' leave them?" he demanded.

"What else do you expect me to do? I have to fucking leave, Tito," he called, "you know what to do, si?"

Tito nodded as Vincent started walking to the door, keeping me tight in his grip. Dante didn't say another word until we were seated in the car. I didn't ask for it but Vincent kept his arms around me.

"Alexis, are you okay?" Dante asked as he laid his head back, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah," I mumbled although my hands were shaking.

"Damnit, this is why I didn't fucking want to meet with them, fanculo," Vincent sighed, "the fuck am I supposed to do now? He brings his fucking sloppy ass near me, do you have any idea what that brings to us? Obviously, someone knew we were meeting and that fucking happened."

Dante looked at him, glancing at me before moving his attention back to Vincent.

"I'll sort it out with you in the office," he mumbled.

I noticed he had blood all over the side of his face, from his date. I felt bad about it, I didn't know how much he liked the woman or how desensitized he was to death but I still felt bad.

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