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Today was my presentation. Vinny was here. He brought breakfast for my dad, brother, and me. Dad had a meeting later today, I think. I never really knew what he did exactly. I did know, however, that Vincent broke up with Donna. He called me after on his way back. I couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't stop hugging him.

I was in the kitchen with him.

"Did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" I smiled, brushing back his hair.

"After I spent this time fixing my hair?" he joked, kissing my cheek. "You're prettier. Mia bella ragazza, ti amo così tanto."

I blushed. My hands wrapped around his neck, hugging him closer to me. "God, I missed you."

He kissed the top of my hair. "I missed you, too," he agreed. "Are you nervous, bella?"

"Eh," I shrugged. "I don't know. Are you seeing me after?"

"I want to but I have to see Luca first. I want to be there but it might run long, I need to see Luca," he explained.

"I'll be here," my dad announced as he walked into the room with my brother.

"I know- we're fuckin' chopped liver when it comes to him," Freddie chimed in.

"That's not true," I shot back, turning around to glare at Freddie, "and maybe if you were nicer to me, things would be different."

"Nicer? You're the biggest bitch to me and you wonder why I'm not nice to you?"

"Hey," Vincent cut in.

"Oh, look at that," he muttered and dad chuckled.

"Not my fault that you're a dick."

"I swear to fuckin' God- you know what? I hope you fail your stupid presentation," Freddie muttered.

I grabbed my drink from the island.

"Chill out, whatcha yelling for?" I responded.

"Yelling? I'm not fuckin' yelling, Alex, you're so Goddamn stupid-" dad smacked Freddie up the head.

I wanted to respond but I needed to change it so he wouldn't figure it out. Freddie was usually really good at figuring it out.

"And if I'm fake, I ain't notice cause my money ain't," I shrugged, taking another sip of my drink.

Freddie rubbed the back of his head. "Literally, who cares? No one was even talking about that."

"So let me get this straight," I dragged out, trying to think of what line to skip to so it'd be harder to guess which one it was. "Ye, they can't stand beside me."

Freddie narrowed his eyes on me. A small smile was slipping on my features.

"Monster," he declared, "'Chill out, whatcha yelling for' isn't from that song," he said.

"Complicated," I nodded.

"Huh?" Vincent asked.

"She's just annoying," he rolled his eyes and I smiled. "She does it all the time."


"The songs? She'll say it in a normal conversation- fucking annoying ass bitch."

I giggled. God, I was giggling with my brother. What drug did Vincent put me on? I did like to do the song thing though. I've never done it with Vincent because it wasn't funny with him. I doubt he'd know my American songs.

"Anyway, I gotta get going," I said, checking the time on my phone.

"Gio's picking you up, Marie," dad told me, "he should be outside, I'll walk you out."

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