A Pretty Tough Decision

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I went with them to the airport to greet them. Dad said we'd pick them up and then go to lunch. I didn't want to go to lunch, I wanted to go home after I saw him. On the third day when he didn't come back, I bawled my eyes out. Sure, I expected it but it still hurt. I hated it. Really. I did.

I was seriously contemplating this relationship. I literally hated him but I couldn't let him go. I didn't want any other whore to be with him but I just hated how he treated me. Sure, when we were together, it was fun and I was loving it but the abrupt endings were killing me. His words were on my mind the whole time.

Half woman, half child. I looked up the saying because I wasn't sure what he meant. The first thing that came up was some records and a few other versions like 'half woman, half lady,' and 'barely a woman, more than a girl." I figured he just didn't know the word 'young lady' because that's what I thought of. My research was cut short when I thought of a Kid Rock song that was on the rock station: All Summer Long. There was also a lyric that resembled what Vincent said.

On December sixteenth, Rose came over, bringing her cannolis like she always did. I wasn't complaining though, they were amazing.

"How are you, doll?" she asked, sitting down on the sofa next to me. I was watching the Kardashians as I sipped on the fruit smoothie I made.

"Don't call me that," I muttered. Vincent called me doll. I was pissed at him and I also missed our relationship. I didn't want any reminders. God, I miss him so much.

"Aren't you in a mood?" she noted, bringing her bag over her lap. "I have some pieces for you. Tell me which ones you want."

I sighed, looking at her. I didn't feel like doing this. I was thinking about Vincent. I couldn't stop. It was tugging at my brain every second of the day. I was losing sleep about it. I didn't understand how some people could just brush problems like this under the rug. I couldn't.

"Can this wait?" I asked her. "I'm just not in a mood and I don't want to hurt your feelings by seeming uninterested." See? That was a good thing, telling people how you feel and being open. I just wish I could do this with Vincent. All my worries would be gone.

"Sure," she shrugged, "What's wrong? Arguments with your friends?" she asked.

"That happened yesterday but that's not why I'm pissy. But, Gina bitched me out at the gym but she was just moody so I didn't really care, but, Vincent. God, I hate him so much! So, he comes back after not seeing me for about three to four months and then says he'd stay for a month and then efing leaves the next day. Then, he said he'd come back in two days and it's been..." I did some mental math in my head "Exactly a week. Seven days."

She frowned, nodding with me. "Well, I hate to say this to you, but you do know what he does for a living..." I couldn't help but roll my eyes, looking back at the television. "Alexis," she called for my attention, "Don't act like that. I was just saying. Yes, it's wrong for him to leave but that's just what happens."

"Yep," I snipped, "Well aware of that but thanks for reminding me."

"Alexis, you don't have to get rude," she corrected.

"I'm not," I defended myself, "it'd just be nice for someone to take my side for once instead of sucking his dick all the time. But, you know what? I don't care. I don't need someone to validate my feelings, I know I'm right."

Rose just nodded along. "You're right. I was just pointing it out so you see both sides," she explained. "It's not right of him to do that but you have to decide whether it's a problem you can put up with or if it's best to take a break."

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