Which Led to my Weakest Point / Stick and Burn

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I woke up at seven to get breakfast. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people at the hotel. After I did that, I made my way to the bathroom. I was shocked when I pulled down my pants. I got my period. I was surprised. I get my period on the first of the month. Today was the twenty-seventh. It was like four days early. I knew it could change with stress, hormones, and weight loss. Was I stressed this much?

I took advantage of the complimentary products in the bathroom, grabbing a tampon (because hotel pads sucked). As I made my way back up to my hotel room, I grabbed my wallet, changed shoes, and put on a hat, tucking my hair under it so it'd look shorter.

Luckily for me, the hotel was by a store. I bought a small pack of tampons along with some pads before I made my way back to the hotel. I put my stuff away before leaving again. This time, I went and got some lunch to go before making my way to Branch Brook Park. I quietly ate lunch, admiring the scenery. There were a lot of people biking in the park today. I took a deep breath, moving in the seat so I was holding my legs against my chest. My abdomen was cramping. I should've picked up some painkillers but I didn't want to walk back to the store to get them.

I started to consider jobs I could get. I could work fast food. I could get a job at a store. Virtually, I could get a job anywhere I wanted. If they knew my name, they'd hire me on the spot.

God, I didn't want to go home. I wanted my boyfriend and I wanted to run away to Italy so I wouldn't have to see these people.

Well... my ex-boyfriend.

Oh.... Why did I break up with him?



He's probably in that witch's clutches right now! Kissing her and doing things we did. I wonder if they ever made a sex tape- OH, MY GOD, WE MADE A SEX TAPE. We made a few! Sure, it was between two times we had sex, but there were like four or five. What was I supposed to do with them? Do we split them like some divorced couple? Do we both get copies? Do we just delete them?

I didn't want to delete them. I haven't even seen them yet! We never watched them. We broke up before we could.

I'll just save them on a flash drive and stash it away.

This sucked so much.

What I needed to do was clear my mind and figure out how to get him back. First, I needed a rebound. I didn't have to sleep with him, I just had to flaunt him in front of Vincent until he got just as jealous as I did. Then, I'd get him to call off that horrid engagement and I'd dump my rebound. Then, we'd get back together. Happily ever after!

I just needed to get over this depressive funk I was in. I needed to separate myself from my family. I couldn't go back there. It was so stressful. Even though it was just one fight after a few months, dad saying he wishes I was never born was too far for me. It was okay for me to say it, not him. After a few hours, I got up, walking around the park before going to dinner. Again, I went to bed thinking of him.

I had to check out at eleven this morning. I already had my backpack packed. All I planned on doing was going to get breakfast and then calling Angie. I sat at the phone center, typing in her number. I only had five people's numbers memorized. My dads, my brothers, my aunts, Angie's, and Vincent's.

After four rings, she picked up.

"Yello?" she called, "Who is this?"

"Alexis," I answered, "I-"

"ALEX!" she screeched. "Daddy!" she called, "I got Alex on the phone! Where the hell are you? What the actual hell, Alexis! We have been worried sick!"

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