Relatively Aggressive Exchange

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I was viciously woken up when I felt the man beside me practically crush me, rolling over me. My eyes flew open as I heard loud voices. There was so much shouting. Did you know (I watched a video on this) that you lose some hearing when we sleep? Like, certain sounds, your body ignores. It took some time to establish what was being shouted.

"Get the fuck off my daughter!" my dad shouted.

My eyes landed on Vincent's figure on the ground. My dad and brother were in the room. I blinked, trying to rid myself of my tiredness. Vincent's hand reached up on top of my nightstand, grabbing his gun.

I looked back at my dad, panicked as he kicked Vincent. Vincent got up, moving to stand, holding his gun up. I didn't notice my dad pulled out a gun. I grew worried.

God, please, no, don't kill him. Fuck! Please! God!

"No!" I yelped, jumping out of bed, pushing the covers behind me. "God! Dad, no!" I shouted.

I had a gun under my bed in a box. My dad gave it to me on my sixteenth birthday as he always promoted safety. I never really used it unless dad took me to the shooting range. I scrambled to get it before springing up.

"You fucking scumbag!" dad yelled, Freddie also pointing a gun with his one good hand at Vincent. I moved to my dad, grabbing his gun to point it away.

Freddie grabbed my arm to shove me away from him, pushing me back.

"What the hell are you doing in my daughter's room?" dad screamed, "My daughter! Not one of your whores!

"Dad," I pleaded, my throat tightening when he didn't even move his gun. Vincent grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"Don't touch my fucking daughter!"

I heard his gun cock and before I could think, I held my gun up at my own father.

"Alex, put that down," Freddie ordered.

"No!" I denied, standing by Vincent.

"You muthafuckin' prick! I trust you to take care of my child and you fuck her?"


"You groom my daughter, you horse shit fucker? You fucking put your hands on her and sleep in her bed, you wop!" I took a deep breath.

"I didn't groom her!" Vincent defended himself.

"Are you fucking my daughter?" he demanded.

I wanted to disintegrate. I didn't want him to know. You attract what you fear. Is this what that was? Did I cause this? Subconsciously? Did God take the wheel?

You fucker!

Wait- no, I didn't mean that...

A heavy silence wrapped around us. I knew Vincent wouldn't say anything- he'd wait for me to. But I didn't want to. I felt my eyes sting. It wasn't an easy thing to say. I mean, he's my father and I was his only daughter and youngest child. I didn't want to say it and he didn't want to hear it. I hated the position I was in.

"Are you fucking my daughter?" he repeated.

With all the shouting, Tito came into the room. Once he saw the scene, he also pulled out a gun. Freddie turned to aim at him. Vincent ordered for him to be cool in Italian.

"I swear to fucking God, answer me or I'll shoot your fucking face off!" dad yelled and I grew sick. My hands were sweating.

"Yes!" I yelled, my voice wavering. "Dad, please!"

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