Liquid Confidence

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The sheets were cold when I woke up. It wasn't cold as in My Lover Left Me. It was Hotel Room and Middle of Winter cold. I turned over sometime in the middle of the night, curled up, facing the door. Vincent's arm wasn't around me but he was still in bed, asleep. I took the time to carefully get out of bed to get ready.

I didn't want to disturb him. I needed to talk to him though.

I missed waking up with him. I liked when we had sex and slept afterward. It felt really nice and peaceful.

Making my way into the bathroom was easy. I washed my face and did my makeup, changing, too. By the time I walked back out, Vincent was awake. He looked over at me. I paused a little bit before continuing out of the bathroom.

"Lex," he called out, sighing, his voice tired.



"You said we could talk," I brought up, walking over to sit on the side of the bed. Vincent groaned, grabbing my hand.

"I meant lay down, bella," he sighed. I just gently smiled. "Turn on the. . . the, um, the," he pointed to the television.

"Oh, yeah, sure." I nodded, walking up to get the remote as he got out of bed, walking to the bathroom. I frowned when the door closed. Why ask me to turn this on if he was just going to leave. I rolled my eyes, flicking through channels, trying to find something to watch while I waited for Vincent. I was stuck in the news section. How come hotels always have a million news stations? No one wants to watch that.

In the middle of one, Vincent walked out of the bathroom. I looked over at him as he sat down next to me. He grabbed the remote from my hand, turning up the volume. I wanted to question him on why it was so loud but he talked first.

"Can you still hear me?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Good," he agreed, "tell me again about what you said."

"Oh, so, I swear to God, Vince- it makes so much sense in my head so if it comes out weird, I'm sorry, but it makes so much sense!"

"That's okay," he dismissed.

"So, Dante's your conseligere, right?" I asked. Vincent nodded. "So he gives you advice to make your life easier, right?"

He shrugged, "Yeah, that's one way to put it."

"Okay, so, with your interest in mind, the best idea would be to take me out- just here me out here- because, well, it gets a little complicated so-"

"Lex," he cut me off, "just take your time, you don't have to rush."

"I know, there's just a lot," I sighed.

"You like caffe, si?" Vincent asked and I nodded in agreement. "Let's go to the lobby, get some coffee, you can collect your thoughts, and we can come back up here," he suggested, waiting for me to nod before he got up off the bed, helped me up, and grabbed his leather jacket.

He held my hand on the way down. It helped. I don't know if that was his intention but it calmed me enough to think about what I was going to say and the order to say it in. I grabbed us two cups and he poured the coffee for us. He only put in one cream while I put in two and three sugars. The elevator ride back was quiet. We made our way into the room. Vincent sat in the seat and I sat on the side of the bed, facing him.

"Okay," I breathed, "so, a while ago, Dante and I were talking and he mentioned that his fiance- I can't remember her name right now- was hanging around that whore," I explained, hoping he'd realize who I was talking about so I wouldn't have to say her name. He frowned but didn't correct me. "And, at the time I thought, dammit, because I thought the fiance liked her but then Dante said something like she just puts up with the whore so she doesn't bitch which he agreed that's how he is with her."

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