xiii. the lapsed war

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Aurora rolled around in her bed, wide awake and trying to push the voices out of her head at ten minutes past three o'clock in the morning. If anyone would ask why she was still awake, she would claim it was Luke's obstructive snoring beside her.

Throughout the darkness of the room, she reached into the pocket of her silk pyjamas and pulled out a single photo. The photo she kept in her pocket for the last two weeks. The photo she had not let a single mark get onto. She examined the picture of herself, Sirius, and Magnolia. The photo she kept finding herself examining every single night when she was alone. It was the only thing that truly confirmed her existence.

It had been a week since she impulsively decided to ring Sirius: even thinking of his name made her feel uncomfortable... yet she also found comfort in the thought of his safe being. She had not known why her emotions felt all over the place. She never wanted to see him again and she knew that but something about it felt like she was tearing a limb off. Every time she thought of him, her mind swayed to that day in the woods and she was reminded that he no longer cared for her. It made her question if he ever truly did. Had most of their relationship been a lie? Did he ever truly care for her? Part of her wished she could pick up the phone and ask him this.

She still asked herself every single day how could he have forgotten? Out of everyone, literally everyone she knew, Sirius was the one who was never thought would forgot.

There was this tiny part of her that had come to realise she missed him.

Missing someone was a feeling she never really experienced until her imprisonment. When she was younger, she never missed anyone because she had no one. When she joined Hogwarts, only ever missed people during her summers: and even at that. she spent most of her summers getting high and being drunk to even remember half of it. She knew who she missed the most. Harry, he had been the only person who she wanted to talk with that the moment. Maybe if he was here she would actual be able to talk about how she was feeling. She found since sixth year, she started to feel like she could tell Harry anything.

She switched sides in the bed, finding it very uncomfortable. Moving over, her thoughts switched onto the day ahead of her. Today was not just another day.

Today was the day that Luke had wanted to go, outside Merlen, and see Remus.

Meaning that Luke was making his existence noted in the world again.

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