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                  The first thing Aurora realised was that at some point she must have blacked out and felt that familiar groggy feeling running through her body.

This time was different though. She felt pain in her body, and she could hear shouting but not make out the words. She was lying down and someone was holding her. She could hear her heart beating fast in her chest and she didn't realise she was breathing rapidly. Her ankles felt like they had been popped out, her stomach felt like she hadn't eaten in years, and her throat felt like she was breathing from a small tube: like the one she had when she woke up from being in Mungos after the car crash.

"Aurora?" The person holding her asked. "Are you okay? Can you try open your eyes?"

She could recognise Remus' gentle. concerned voice and realised he was the one holding her. His gentle arms wrapped around her, and her head was on his chest.

Her vision was white when she opened her eyes and were eyelids felt wet. Like they were covered in some sort of thin substance, and she could only see a blurry sky in the air. She brought her hands up to wipe her eyes and her vision became clearer. Her hands felt cold, and she couldn't feel a single thing in them.

Remus' head suddenly came into vision. "She's awake," he shouted over her head before focusing on her again. "Are you alright? Can you see and hear me?" He repeated.

She grunted in response and went to sit up but Remus gripped her shoulder, "Try not to move too much, you've just been terribly hurt."

"What happened?" She managed to ask., voice hoarse.

"One minute you were walking and then you just froze," Remus told her, "You stopped breathing, like your throat was closed but you were screaming...." Aurora remembered feeling violent pain through her whole body, "And then your eyes just started bleeding...it just happened out of nowhere."

She fully opened her eyes and lifted her head from Remus to see that she was outside the courtyard and at the walk into the castle.

She sat up quickly, despite the sharp pain when she noticed Damien wasn't there. "Damien?"

"Damien went to the forest to get Magnolia," Remus quickly told her, causing her worry to disappear.

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