xiv. remus and ron

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The thing about seeing Remus was that she initially had the strongest urge to punch him in the face, for some reason. Actually not just hit him, she wanted to pull her hands out of her pocket and throw him back into the house.

But the timing of everything changed when Luke came rushing out of the house, the doorway that Remus was standing in, and ran forward to her. Instantly, her mind shoved past the thousand of feelings and memories that started surfacing through. She hated how often that happened. Her head was still fogged from the months of isolation meaning her memory about some things was still very bad. Unfortunately when she caught a glimpse of Remus, she started remembering how he was like her first parent. The current memory replaying in her mind was the time when he hugged her at the end of third year when he was leaving. She was so oblivious at the time as to why he did that, but it still meant something to her: for the first time she thought maybe there was good people out there.

Remus was a living example of a good person.

Or at least, she thought he was.

He still looked the same, except his hair was a different shade of brown. It was much darker now and even though his figure was slightly blurry to her, she could see speckles of grey. He was wearing ragged clothes and an old grey jacket that she remembered him wearing the first time she saw him in Hogwarts. He didn't have any new scars on his face and she wondered why that was. Maybe her mum had something to do with it. That was a good thing. He was the height of the doorframe and tripped coming out the door. He seemed a little in shock and she presumed Luke was in the middle of telling him everything (well not everything but the glorified version they practised for the last few days).

His eyes were on her mum first and were filled with relief, but then switched to her.

"This is why we don't split up." Luke whispers, holding her for a very long moment.

Like she hadn't learnt that already, she thinks but makes no comment. She pulls away and nods at him to let him know she heard him. She might have known what he said was right but to be honest, it probably wouldn't stop her.

"I agree with Luke." Beckham comes around the corner, wand in his hand and looking pissed off. His eyes go from Aurora to Luke and then he looks at Magnolia. He made it so painfully obvious that he had been surprised to see her. Aurora shot him a warning look not to give anything away. "Uh hello."

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