xxv. battle of hogwarts part 1

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Sirius, Aurora, and Magnolia, all landed on the ground up in the Astronomy tower. It had been late now, and the sky was fully dark.

             Ever since Aurora woke, she heard a noise at the back of her head, like it was engraved in her neck and top of her spine. It started as a silent buzz, like she presumed it was a headache or a bad migraine. Considering she was asleep for almost a week, it made sense. She might have just been dehydrated so that was why he drank an entire jug of water when she woke. However, from the moment she stood up, it was as if something in her head had changed and the mummering's turned into voices.

            It was like quiet bickering, and the easiest way for her to describe it was like someone was singing a song at a very loud fast rate. She made out words but had no understanding of what was being said. She knew it was something to do with her power of absorption. The voices were loud, and she was starting to get a headache like pain in her head.

             But when she stepped out of the portal, the mummering's got clearer: coming from different voices. She turned and looked around her. No one was there except Sirius and Magnolia, both looking at her in concern. She gave them a glare before walking away from them and looking out at the castle.

               Hogwarts, she thought, how dreadful it was to be back here.

               She closed her eyes and suddenly the voices became clearer.

                "The horcrux is the Ravenclaw tiara."

                "The boy will never win. Too distracted, he is too unfocused."

               "The boy serves as an object, an accidental horcrux. One of nature's loopholes."

               The voices only stopped when something was thrown above them but never landed down on the castle. Something like a large rock and Aurora flinched as she thought it would hit them, but it didn't. Instead, it bounced off some sort of invisible shield.

                  "The barrier isn't holding." Magnolia pointed out, pointing up into the night.

                  "Um," Aurora mumbled, looking around. The voices in her head were overpowering and it was hard to think with all the muffled voices, she turned to Magnolia and asked, "How do you know there is a barrier?"

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