xi . empty answers

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★ ★ ★

Even as a child Aurora always hated when people would raise their voices at her, it was something that always drove her insane.

       The rout of that problem rose from her grandparents she was sure. If anything she also thought it was because she associated yelling with people being angry and disappointed in her: something which, despite claiming she did not care about, she always did. At the end of the day, she always did care about what other people thought of her.

Right now, everyone was yelling at her because of what happened a mere fifteen minutes ago. Her mind was far too preoccupied with what happened and who she encountered to even understand what exactly they were yelling at her about. It was Louis, Beckham, Damien and a very concerned Luke. When she came back in the portal, she fell to the ground and next thing she knew she was being corned from all angles by the stupid men.

"Do you have any idea of how incredibly dangerous that was of you!" Damien was the only voice she could hear. "You could have died or worse. What would have happened if Runskin showed up after you forced us back here! He could have taken you Aurora! I can't believe after all of this time you did something like that. What would happen if something happened to you over there? You can't just push people away like that--"

"I know that." Aurora replied irritably.

"Clearly not." Damien replied instantly before going into a massive speech about her immaturity.

"Aurora," Luke's voice cut over the insane headache she was getting. She tore her eyes away from the window panes in the dining room and met his eyes. She knew he was in shock at seeing her parents, more specifically her supposedly dead mother. His expression was too much for her to handle so she looked away from him. "Your mum."

"Your mum was there?" Beckham quickly asked, "Did you see her? Did you talk with her-"

"Yes I did." Aurora interjected, her stomach felt sick as she tried to push away the memory of the the first time she saw a picture of her mother. It was in Dumbledore's office, and the first time she ever saw her father that she remembered. She always felt comfort at the thought of her mother before that, she always had an idea that her mum was the only person who would be able to comfort her. Especially when Aurora encountered her after she died. "I told her -- them -- to stay away from me."

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