v. exploration

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       Aurora stood outside on the balcony of Merlen, looking across at the sea.

    It had been the night of her arrival. She only slept for a few hours, before realising she could no longer sleep without an impending fear that someone was coming to take her away.

She pushed aside her evident issues and focused on this island.

      This was an entire island dedicated to her ancestors, to the Aleksander's that once ruled over the entire Wizarding World. This was where they all went when their bloodline began to fall. The entire island needed to be ruled according to Beckham. She wouldn't do it. She didn't want to. Frankly, she did not even know what she wanted to do these days. Part of her still didn't believe she was back. Beckham was ruling over it, and maybe he wasn't doing half as bad a job as he claimed he was. He was older than her and far more mature, she doubted he was doing badly.

If she had to choose anyone to rule over this place in her wishes, it would be him. He only gave goodness to the world.

Despite some people's opinions, she could never rule over an entire country.

First off she was only sixteen --- wait no, that was wrong. She just realised she missed her birthday, she was seventeen. She was seventeen years old and had no interest in being responsible for an entire island - no matter how beautiful it clearly was. Second, she had no idea how she would even take charge of an island. She didn't know the morals when it came to ruling over a country, over people. How would she even begin? Third, she was in no state to. She could barely control herself these last few months let alone be in the right mindset to focus on something else.

Lastly, the country looked like it was in over it's head - Marcos really did a number on it, many buildings looked destroyed.

Beckham claimed that when they would hear another Aleksander was alive, it would be the best news they got. Apparently, the entire population of the island - men, women, children - all adored her family. They stood by them all, supported them.

She turns around, closing the balcony door and left the room. There are candles lit in the hallway - they really didn't use much magic - and she jumps when she sees two people standing outside it at both sides. She recognises one of them, it was the boy Louis. They're both wearing a sort of armor, tight fitting one that looked like even magic couldn't open it.

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