xv. confession

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★ ★ ★

   Damien calling them all for a dinner was possibly the worst thing that could happen right now.

     Starting off, it had been exactly a week today since they returned from the small village where Aurora had met Remus, Ron, and her mother. Since that day there had not been one word spoken between her and the two boys who accompanied her. Well, there had been words spoken to Aurora but she had not spoken back to them once. She spent the last week avoiding them all, except Hestia, at all costs. The reason behind this was unknown to everyone except her.

       That would bring you to tonight. It was a Friday night, notably always Aurora's favourite day of the week. In prospect, the week had been pretty boring and bland up until tonight meaning that she was sure that her weekly drama was about to happen tonight. There had to be a reason that she got called for this dinner tonight. Typically, they all kind of ate dinner alone and at different times.

     Now, so rounding around the room was Aurora, Luke, Beckham, Hestia, Ted, Louis, and the only adult in the room Damien.

       Ted and Louis returned back from England this morning, happily engaging with stories about their time.

           Seemingly the two of them took a detour on their trip to Gringotts and explored Diagon Alley. The two of them described it as wonderful, well mostly Ted as the minute Louis seen her he stopped talking and had made the declaration to return there again. Although nowhere had been open according to them, which she figured was because of the war. She did not allow her mind to drain about that anymore and instead was focusing on the upside: Louis and Ted got the money from Gringotts. She was focusing on that until Damien knocked on her door earlier and asked her to get ready for dinner.

Aurora had not liked the feeling that tonight's little event was giving off. First of all, she was wondering exactly why Damien had called this dinner.

          So, here she sat, a contemplating look in her eyes as she looked around the dinner table at the figures. The dress she wore was Hestia's handsewn one: it was pink, but not a baby pink type of pink, more like a dark rose pink. The same type of pink as the hibiscus flowers outside in the courtyard. Hestia sat beside her wearing a similar coloured dress, except it was purple. She'd done Aurora hair tonight, and she seemed to enjoy taking care of people. She grown to be found of Hestia and her ways. The girl was always there for her, and maybe Aurora had been so caught up in her own stuff and didn't really give her the time of the day. Come to think of it, she hadn't known much about Hestia in general.

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