xvi. to rule

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★ ★ ★

Aurora being in charge of Merlen, fulfilling her family destiny, felt like it had been the best thing that had happen to her. It had been exactly a month today since she had come into her rule of Merlen and in that month the island had changed a lot.

To begin, the repairs in the island had started and almost all the facilities that Marcos had destroyed had been making their way back to normal. The school was the last project that needed to be complete as Aurora had her own vision for that which she was still keeping to herself. Minor repairs in houses had been fixed, such as pluming issues or pest problems. The city was still quite behind when it came to electricity, and most of the island opted to remain using the outdated options of candles and fires in oppose to lights and central heating. Aurora had many arguments about this at the beginning but now she had learned to accept the fact she couldn't change everything about the island.

Now that the island had money back in it's hands, it made the rise of the island easier.

The jobs were done by the men and women of the island, most of them wanted to do it for free, and if they had the chance they would but she forced them to take money for it. The people had no form of an income until now: some of them actually send back the envelope of money she sent to their houses as they truly did not taking money from her.

The people of Merlen had found it wrong to be payed by an Aleksander, if they had the choice they would work for free.

The last month had not only been hard work on the people but it had also taken a toll on the youngest Aleksander to rule the island ever. The black haired girl had been awake at all hours of the night trying to fix problems with the island, as well as training with Damien and trying to listen to the needs for the people of the island. There had been council meetings she had to attend, there was stuff like food importation that she had to manage and medical funds, and most draining was the fact she had to sit in the Entrance Room of the castle (the room Aurora just referred to as the colourful chair room) for many hours everyday and allow members of the island to come and speak to her about things that bothered them or concerns they had.

In short, ruling an island was a lot more difficult than she imagined.

And this is why the black haired girl can be seen fast asleep (the first good nights sleep in months) in her bedroom, taking up the entire bed, and oblivious to Louis who walked into the room.

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