xix. decisions

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★ ★ ★

The brightness of the morning made Aurora's eyes burst open and a groan leave her lips.

She whirled over in her bed and looked around her room. She would have gone back to sleep if it wasn't for the emerald dress she saw on the ground. The events of last night came back to her head and she became conscious very quickly.

Harry.... Magnolia.... Sirius.... James.... Remus.... the entire lot of them. They were all here on the island.

They had been across the sea and last night they were across the room from her.

If it was all not a dream that is.

She got dressed quickly and sighed to herself when she realised the time, the breakfast started at eight, spreading through till ten, and it now half nine meaning she only had another few minutes to go down. Hestia had a dress left out on her bed and instantly Aurora knew it was her favourite one yet: it was a slim black dress with a polo neck up to the mid of her neck, golden sparkles cut out in the middle of her chest, with long black sleeves that stopped on her wrist, perfect sizing.

She left her bedroom and was disappointed when she saw both Beckham's and then Luke's room was empty.

Aurora rushed down the staircase and fell twice, but she didn't concern herself with that but instead wanted to make sure last night wasn't a dream. She faked a smile to all the people entering the hall and quickly pushed past everyone. She took a glance around the place and couldn't see any of the people who she yearned to see.

In particular, she couldn't see Harry.

Aurora got the top of the hall and was greeted by Luke, who sat on the green chair, and Beckham, who sat on the golden chair.

"Last night wasn't a dream, sit down and eat this." Luke mumbled into his mug of coffee. He had a plate of food prepared for her, full of different types of pastries, but mostly full of three croissants. Slowly she sat down beside him on the wine-coloured chair, "You just missed Harry."

"Where did he go—" She went to stand up, but Luke put his hand out.

"Eat first, please. You've got a lot of stuff to do today." Luke stated, and she reluctantly sat back in her chair with a grunt. "You need the energy and considering the amount you drank last night; you need a big breakfast."

"Don't be judgemental."

"There's a difference between judgemental and being concerned." Beckham piped in.

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