xx. runskins riddles

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Everything had happened so fast: one minute they were standing around a table in Merlen downing hidden protective spells, then next minute Aurora found herself standing outside the gates of Aleksander Mansion in England.

It was the middle of the night, by the time they got their stuff ready, took the protective potions, and opened the portal, it had been a little past eleven. Aurora had opened the portal and they all went through it. Magnolia seemed a little surprised when she saw her portal but said nothing.

The seven of them stood looking through the gates, and up the road to the Mansion: Aurora, Luke, and Louis on one side and then across from then Magnolia, James, and Sirius on the other side. Damien stood in the middle.

Luke was staring at Aurora, regretting the fact he did not pull her aside the minute Magnolia said where Draco was. She had the look in her eyes.

"Our best option is to split up," Damien spoke up, eyes flickering between the two very distant groups of people. He pointed up to the house. It was obvious people had been in there, some of the windows had candles in them. He looked at Magnolia. "I suggest we pair one of my lot with one of your lot. Maybe the mix won't do any harm."

"Not a bad idea." James piped up. "I don't think any of them have the attention span to be alone right now."

All of them turned towards the three teens, who were not paying attention in the slightest bit. They were standing away from them all and seemed to be in worlds of their own, forgetting that they were time sensitive. The black-haired girl was looking at the Mansion with furrowed brows and hardened eyes, Louis seemed to be admiring the size of the place with widened eyes, and Luke was looking at Aurora in concern.

"Can the three of you at least pretend to pay attention?" Damien questioned loudly, snapping the three of them out of their thoughts. A wind blew by them all, it was getting colder by the second. "I said that our best option is to split up and try to cover as much ground as possible. We've not got a lot of time to do it, so we've got to act fast."

It was like she was back in Hogwarts again and they were choosing partners. She couldn't choose and most definitely didn't want to. She actually wished Damien was choosing and was disappointed when he didn't. Instead, a second past and they all realised Damien, ever the leader, was waiting for them to go into their pairs. Magnolia had been the first to move.

Magnolia's first instinct had been the girl and walked towards her. Aurora, who was still looking towards the mansion, appeared surprised when she noticed this.

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