xii. the call

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For the first time in a long time, Aurora found herself feeling interested by something about her family's history. She was reading about the time when Elenor Aleksander burnt down the city of London.

Her grandmothers sister had been able to see the future and had a vision of Aurora burning down the world. Elenor claimed she would be the downfall of all magical essences. The exact reasoning behind her deciding to slaughter over five hundred people was not written in the book.

Elenor was one of the many Aleksanders whose powers overtook their sanity. Aurora found out that Runskin was not the reasoning behind all the Aleksanders loosing their heads as said: some of them had just been evil.

"She could see the future," Aurora mentioned, flickering through the pages to Luke. The Aleksander library was silent for the last hour and Luke was occupied reading through some books. She knew what he was looking for in those books but she hoped that conversation would not need to happen. She spent the last few days doing everything in her power to avoid that conversation. "She saw me destroying the earth and..... I quote "all of civilisation""

Luke rose a brow, giving her a look, "All of civilisation. That'll be hard to live up to."

"Very." Aurora agreed, reading through the end of the passage. "Elenor even tried to murder my grandmother to prevent my mum from having me. Pity she didn't succeed."

"Aurora, don't be so grim."

Save us all a lot of hassle if I hadn't of been born, she thought, Harry would still be alive.

"They all called me a malediction, how pleasant." Aurora added. After a few moments she added, "I didn't know she was the one who burnt down London. I remember being in Dumbledore's office, he wanted me to destroy the horcrux and I did, he mentioned the four of them. I never knew my grandmother has sisters, always thought she was an only child. There was the eldest Remila...Elizabeth...Elenor and my dearest grandmother."

"Hope you're rotting in the pits of hell right now Rotandia." Luke said flipping off the ground. Aurora did the same but her smile dropped about a second later.

When Aurora said the words grandmother, her mind travelled to Professor McGonagall. She missed her. The thought of the woman who she considered her real grandmother being exposed to any sort of danger made her feel uneasy. Runskin had been able to read her mind at his will meaning he saw the way she felt about the woman and how much she cared for her.

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