vi. training

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"Again, get up."

  Aurora had been in Merlen for ten days and she spent seven of those physically training with Damien.

   In these seven days, her dislike for him only got stronger. He told her everyday he had never met a more weaker Aleksander. He said the only impressive thing he learnt about her was the fact she had a good punch. It made sense considering all the people she had punched before. Damien was so closed off, she knew nothing about him. He was a good fighter that was all she learnt about him and there must have been something about him that was kind, considering he taught all the kids on the island to fight. She saw him and Louis speaking a lot together also.

         She rises to her feet, but didn't have a chance to react because he lunched forward, and learning from her previous mistake she quickly moved to her right but he had known she would do this. He knocked down right away. She falls back down and groaned.

"You're not trying." He shouted.

She groaned, holding her nose. "I am trying."

   "Not hard enough," He bellowed back at her and she grunted. "Up!"

    "Go easy on her!" Beckham shouted, who was leaning against the wall and examining the fight like he did most days. He had been reading through some parchments of paper and trying to figure out how to stop the island from becoming corrupt. "She's been through a lot."

    "Do you think Runskin will go easier on her?" Damien shouted back at him, eyes flickering between Aurora and Beckham. "You're fools if you think he isn't going to do everything in this power to kill her the first chance he gets."

    Aurora clenched her jaw, looking at the floor.

    "I've got to go to my meeting," Beckham mentions, walking over and squeezing her shoulder. "I'll be back later. Will you be alright?"

     "I'm fine, Beckham, no need to fret." Aurora stated, taking her hands off her knees and straightening back up. She sent him a forced smile to somehow ease his clear worry for her. "It's alright, I'll see you later."

           Once Beckham left, Damien knocked her down again, "Up!"

       She rose to her feet, and before he could lunge towards her, she moved quickly. Her mouth opened to speak but he had swiftly kicked under her feet, knocking her to the ground. She was nowhere as strong in comparison to him. She never would be. He managed to train an entire island into learning how to physically fight. This man had been trained in the art of combat for over twenty years.

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