year 1

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Derek sat on the chair watching the parade of parents and children walk into their house. This had to be the most boring day ever. His house was now filled with boring adults and boring three-year-olds. This was even worse than his sisters. At least with his sisters he could play funny pranks on them, but his mom told him he had to help with Chucks stupid friends or else he wouldn't be able to hang out with Mark later. Mark was his best friend ever. He was a lot less stupid then the other kids in the first grade class, but he would never tell Mark that. And even if Mark was less stupid than the other kids, he still sometimes was really stupid. Like when he said that Santa wasn't real. Everyone knows that Santa is real.

He wished Mark was here. Mark would make having to take care of 3 year-olds much less boring. Derek hated 3 year-olds. He liked Chuck, but none of the other ones. Chuck was probably his favorite sister. Her real name was Charlotte but Chuck was a funnier name so that's what Derek and Mark called her. Derek also liked Lizzie, sometimes Lizzie would help Mark and him do pranks on Nancy. He didn't like Nancy. Nancy was his oldest sister and she had a big stick up her butt. She didn't like being considered a kid, she thought she was an adult but really she was just eleven. Kathy was okay, but she really liked talking a lot. Derek always wants to tell her to shut up but Mom and Dad say that's not very nice.

"Derek, come over here." His mom called out for him. So he hopped off the big chair and made his way to the kitchen. There were people everywhere. Didn't they have their own houses to hang out at?

"Derek, can you play with Charlotte and Meredith for a little bit? I need to take care of something." She asked. Mom always had something to take care of. Usually it was one of his sisters.

"Sure Mom." He said. He sat down with the two little girls who were playing with a stuffed animal raccoon and a stuffed animal dog.

"Hi." Chucks friend waved at him. She was really cute. Much cuter than Chuck. She had blonde hair and green eyes and a really big smile.

"Hello. I'm Derek. What's your name?" He smiled at her.

"Meredith." She responded.

"And who are these?" He said pointing to the stuffed animals. He knew the dogs name because it was Chuck's favorite toy, but he didn't know who the raccoon was.

"This is German!" Chuck yelled holding up her dog. She named the dog German because Dad had said that the dog was a German Shepherd and she thought that was a name like hers, Charlotte Shepherd. Chuck was super silly.

"I know Chuck." Derek laughed. "What is the raccoon's name?" He asked.

"That's Trashy." Meredith said quietly.

"That's a funny name Meredith." Derek said.

"Mom says racoons belong in trash, so he's trashy." She responded.

"Well that makes sense." Derek grinned at the little girls.

On the other side of the kitchen there was a small man who was on the phone. His face was bright red and he looked really angry. He was talking really quietly but he had a big frown on his face. Derek didn't think he liked him very much. The man hung up the phone and walked towards them.

"Meredith, we have to go." The man said as he crouched down to her. This was not good. Meredith was funny and cute, she can't go away with the angry man. He was going to yell at Meredith and then she's going to cry. That's what happens when his dad get's really red and angry.

"No!" Derek yelled.

"What?" The man looked at him confused.

"You can't take her." Derek stated firmly.

"Sorry son, but we have to go meet Meredith's mother." Before Derek could do anything, the man scooped Meredith into his arms and they walked out of the house, leaving behind the cute little stuffed animal raccoon.

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