year 30

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Tears streamed down his face as she walked to him. Meredith Grey was empirically the most beautiful woman alive. This was how a wedding was supposed to feel like. He knew he probably shouldn't be comparing his two weddings, but this was perfect. His heart had been beating hard since the second he laid eyes on her walking down the aisle. He was unbelievably excited to get married to the love of his life.

As soon as Mark finished walking her down the aisle, he stepped to the side to stand next to him. Derek had been mildly nervous about asking Mark to be his best man because of the not showing up the last time, so he didn't ask. Instead, about two days after getting engaged, Mark informed him he was going to be his best man. He said that Meredith had already asked him to walk her down the aisle, so from these two tasks, Mark thought that he was the most important person at the wedding. He would never actually tell Mark, but he was glad that he wasn't the best man at his first wedding. He didn't want his wedding to Addison to have anything to do with his wedding to Meredith. The two weddings were different in every way. Most importantly, this was the wedding that lead to the marriage that was going to stick.

"Hi." He heard his future wife say.

"Hi." He responded.

"You guys ready?" The minister asked.

"Definitely." She said. The woman he loved was definitely ready to get married to him.

"Absolutely." He said.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we gather here to celebrate the union between Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd in marriage." She said, "Derek, you can start with your vows."

He took a deep breath. "Meredith. I love you so much. An unbelievable amount. There was a time in our relationship that you didn't believe that I loved you, a time you thought that if another option came around I would leave you. You were so very wrong, and it kills me that for even a second you thought that. You are the love of my life, the only option, the only woman I ever want to be with. So I vow to you that everyday I will make sure you know how much I love you. I vow to you that I not only will never leave you, but I will continue to think that anyone who ever could even think about leaving you is completely insane. And I vow that you will always be my Mer, my Wonder Woman."

"And Meredith." The Minister said.

"Derek. I've always planned on you forever. Since my sophomore year, you were who I wanted to be with. I never dated anyone else since I was fifteen, because I knew that no one could come close to comparing to you. So I made this plan. I became dedicated to getting rid of any of your other girlfriends. Some were harder to get rid of than others, but in the end I always succeeded. But now I realize that I don't need to chase anyone away, because you are mine. So I promise that I will believe you when you tell me that you love me and that you will never leave me. I promise that I will protect you against bullies. I promise that I will follow you across the country to be with you, or force you to follow me across the country to be with me. I promise that I will help you with your pranks, and I won't tell anyone about them. I promise that I will love you forever. And lastly, I promise that," She leaned forward so that only Derek could hear her. "I will keep your secret identity of being Superman a secret." She leaned back.

"Do you Derek Shepherd take Meredith Grey to be your lawfully wedded wife until death do you part?" The minister asked.

"I do."

"And do you Meredith Grey take Derek Shepherd to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Now by the power vested in me by the state of Washington, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

So that's the end! Hope you guys liked it! Please comment any reviews or snarky comments!

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