year 13

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Meredith did not think she liked dating. From her experience, which was really just tonight, it sucked. She had absolutely no idea why she had agreed to go on a date with Jack Morrison, but she had. Jack Morrison was an idiot. An actual idiot, having conversations with him was incredibly difficult. They had nothing in common, though she found out about thirty minutes into the date that if she asked him about skateboarding, he would go into long speeches. Well, long speeches that only consisted of short simple sentences. But speeches that she could just nod her head and not listen to.

So after two hours of nodding her head, she was finally done. He was dropping her off at her house, and she would find a way to politely say that she never wanted to even be in the same room with him, because he was a boring idiot. He jerkily pulled into the parking space in front of her house. Apparently his skateboarding skills didn't translate to driving skills.

"So Mer," He said as he tried to put his arm around her.

"Meredith." She corrected. She hated whenever someone called her Mer. Well, someone who wasn't Derek.

"Meredith, I think there is really something between us." He said. Fuck. There wasn't anything between them. She wished there was a large quantity of distance between them but she had no such luck.

"Oh. I don't know..." She trailed off. She could just be a bitch to him. Just say no, and leave.

"I think so. And you'll be my girlfriend." He states. This bitch. She will not be his girlfriend. She would rather pour bleach over her eyes than be his girlfriend.

"I-" Meredith was cut off by a knock on the window of the car. Derek. Derek was outside the car. He must have just gotten back from school.

"Who is that?" Jack asked.

"That's Derek." She grinned. "Open the window, open the window." She urged. She had missed him like crazy. They had gotten even closer during his last year of high school, and living on opposite sides of the country was pretty much unbearable.

"Hey Mer." He smiled, leaning into the driver's side window.

"Hey Derek." She responded with a wide smile plastered across her face.

"Who's this?" He said pointing to Jack.

"I'm Jack." He answered.

"And what are you doing with my Mer?" Derek asked. 'My Mer.' Meredith really liked being his Mer.

"She's my girlfriend." He responded. Derek frowned and Meredith glared at her supposed boyfriend.

"Girlfriend?" Derek asked, eyeing Meredith. Her eye's widened trying to ask for his help. "Since when have you been dating?"

"We had our first date tonight, and we just decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend." He said proudly. Meredith shook her head violently out of Jack's eyeline and she could see Derek bite back a laugh. He thought this was funny. She was trapped being the worlds biggest idiots girlfriend and he thought it was fucking funny. He better help her.

"Well congratulations." Derek said. "Have you met her mother yet?" That bitch. He is going to chase Jack off by using her mother. The second she gets dumped for having a crazy bitch for a mom, she is going to get out of this car, give Derek a hug cause she missed him an absurd amount, then she is going to slap him.

"Not yet." Jack responded.

"Well good luck with that. I think I remember Meredith telling me about the time her mother said she wouldn't think twice about castrating any guy who distracted Meredith from school. And normally I'd assume that was a joke, but you know, she's a surgeon so she probably has some scalpels in the house." Derek pointed to the house they were sitting in front of. Meredith glared at the both of them. Boys suck.

"Oh." Jack breathed with wide eyes.

"What kind of grades do you get Jack. Dr. Grey probably would be fine if a top student dated Mer." He said. Derek probably thought he was so fucking smart. Anyone who talked to Jack for five seconds could see he wasn't a top student. Meredith had never scared off any of Derek's girlfriends by saying that he had four crazy sisters.

"I- you know Mer," Jack turned to her.

"Meredith." She corrected.

"I've been thinking about us more." She seriously doubted how much thinking he was actually capable of. "And I don't know if this is going to work. You seem really busy with school and I have a lot going on. Maybe now isn't the best time for us." Coward.

"Oh I hate to say it, but I think I agree. Bye Jack." She said as she quickly jumped out of the car and swung the door shut. As soon as she left the car sped away. She turned to Derek and jumped into his arms.

"Good to see ya Wonder Woman." He whispered.

"I think I hate you Super Man." She responded still holding onto him.

"I'm really sorry. If I have known that Jake was going to break up with you I wouldn't have said anything." He snickered, finally releasing her.

"You really couldn't come up with any other way to get him to leave than bringing up my mother?" She hit him lightly on the arm.

"Sorry we can't all be masters at chase... We can't all be as clever as you." He said.

"I guess not." She said as she put her hand through his elbow so their arms were locked. They both were well aware of Meredith's tendencies of chasing off Derek's girlfriends. Meredith figured Derek knew about her crush and was just avoiding it. They were friends, great friends. And Derek was an 18 year old college student who had somehow recently became exorbitantly attractive. While Meredith had recently decided to go for the pink hair look. So her plan was to be friends, maybe she could chase the girlfriends away for the rest of his life so he would have to settle for her. It wasn't a good plan, but it was a plan. 

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