year 27

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Being with Derek was just as amazing as she always thought it would be. Somehow her plan from when she was teenager had worked out. She chased away all the other girls until Derek settled for her. It happened sooner than she thought it would have, she assumed it would happen when she was forty and Derek was scared of dying alone and childless. His failed marriage probably helped accelerate the process. That's what happens when the person you are in love with and plan on spending the rest of your life with sleeps with someone else, you learn to settle.

She was pretty sure Derek was happy with her. He seemed happy. Meredith hadn't really done the relationship thing before except for the five minutes her sophomore year of high school she was that dumbass's girlfriend, but her and Derek seemed to have a good relationship. It was very cookie cutter. They did the third date sex, which happened to be amazing. Like best sex she ever had amazing. Addison is a fucking crazy woman for ever wanting to sleep with any other man, amazing. Then after a respectable three months of dating, he told her he loved her. Which once again was amazing.

She was pretty sure he meant it. Meredith knew he loved her and had known it since she was about seven years old but she wasn't quite sure if he was in love with her. He definitely was attracted to her, she had also known that since they were in college when she would touch him in a certain way 'accidentally' he would have 'certain bodily reactions.' So Meredith wasn't worried about that part of their relationship. She didn't think she was anywhere near as beautiful as Addison was or anything but Derek seemed happy with her physically.

Meredith knew she probably wasn't the type of girl he really wanted to end up with. She probably wasn't going to be the best mother and she was generally a mess. But she was assuming that Derek was okay with who she was because he had always known that she was a disaster. He had known about the bar hookups, seen the pink hair phase, known about the quantity of tequila she drank, and he had even met her mother. Not that her mother knew they were dating. Her mother didn't really like Derek but a long time ago Meredith had convinced her that Derek was always helping her with her school work so she didn't really mind him.

So her and Derek were happy. Maybe he was with her for convenience and settling purposes but she knew that he loved her in some way, shape, or form. Plus the sex was great so she didn't have any complaints. His family absolutely loved that they were together and Mark apparently won a significant amount of money in some bet over them.

Meredith felt a hand that she immediately recognize slip around her waist as she leaned back against his body, "Are you off tonight?" He whispered into her ear.

"I could be." She said.

"Hmm, what could someone do to persuade you to be?" He asked, as he moved her hair behind her ear.

"I don't know, what do you have to offer?" She asked as she smiled and turned around to face him.

"I was thinking wine, steaks, and a trailer?" He smirked.

"Ooo, you're very persuasive." She flirted.

"It's one of my many talents." He grinned.

"Many?" She raised an eyebrow.

"No need to be jealous, you have many talents too." He teased.

"Oh I know I do." She said as his pager went off.

"Crap I gotta go. Does seven work?" He asked.

"yup!" She smiled.

"Okay, see you then. Love you." He said as he began to walk away.

"Love you too!" She called out. And she did. She was completely and madly in love with him.

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