year 22

1.4K 51 0

Married life was good. It maybe wasn't everything he had ever hoped for but it was good. And when it wasn't good he had work to keep him busy. He loved his job. Whenever he was cutting into someone it felt like he was where he was meant to be. He spent all of his time at the hospital. He didn't see Meredith quite as often as he would have wanted but it wasn't for lack of trying, she just didn't usually want to hang out. Which was fine. They were drifting apart a bit but that was okay. Mark and him were on a little better terms at least. Mark still hated Addison but he didn't know what he could do short of transferring to Seattle, which Addison would never go for.

His life wasn't what he had expected it to be. It was very career orientated. He always imagined having a high power career but he thought he would still be close with Mark and Meredith and he would be starting a family of his own. But apparently Addison had decided she might not want kids after all. Which was okay. He didn't exactly have time for kids right now with all the time he was putting in at the hospital.

He was happy. He was really doing his best to be happy. But he missed... something. Something was missing from his life. He should have everything. He had a beautiful wife and great career and maybe eventually Addison would change her mind on children. But for right now he needed Meredith. Today he needed Meredith. Because he felt empty and he really just needed his Meredith. He had no idea why he felt so empty today, all of his patients had lived, Addison wasn't fighting with him, there wasn't anything necessarily wrong, but he felt empty.

He knocked on Meredith's door.

"Pizza" He shouted.

"Idiot." She called back.

"That was very rude, I expect a very nice tip." He grinned at the still closed door. He probably should have brought a pizza with him.

"With service like this, you get no tip." Meredith giggled as she opened the door and frowned at him. "Where is the pizza?"

"Where's the tip?" He smiled.

"Did you seriously yell pizza and then not bring a pizza?" She frowned.

"Well. Yes. I might not have thought that through all the way, but I can order a pizza on me." He said.

"You better." She said as she held the door open for him to enter.

"God, it's been forever since I've had pizza." He sighed

"Wife doesn't like it?" She snorted.

"Nope. Pizza and children, two things she doesn't want in the house." He joked.

"Derek...." She sighed.

"I'm good Mer." He responded as he went to grab her phone. He didn't think Meredith actually liked Addison. Which was fine. He didn't need all of his friends to like his wife, hell he didn't always like his wife. But his two closest people both seemed to carry some sort of distain for her. His sisters were generally fine with Addison. His mom was a little cold towards her but it was all okay. He had figured that once they had children people would warm up to Addison a little more but that apparently wasn't going to happen.

After ordering the pizza he sat down on the comfy couch with Meredith and flipped on the tv. This was good. Spending time with Meredith always made him feel better. A pizza, tv, and Meredith were really all he needed to make a day better. Well actually all he needed was Meredith for his day to get better.

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