year 24

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Derek's life was.... He didn't actually no what word he would use to describe it. He was pretty sure happy wasn't the right word but neither was unhappy. He had a great job and a great wife. Sure he missed Meredith and Mark like crazy but he was doing okay. Addison didn't want to move to Seattle and it wasn't like he could leave his wife. He made vows to her. He still didn't completely understand why Meredith moved but it was her choice. Derek had learned a long time ago that trying to control what Meredith did didn't end well for him. And he still called her every couple of days so it was okay.

He had been busy at the hospital anyways. Derek barely ever left, he was almost permanently situated in the on call room. Whenever there was a surgery, he was there and ready. There was a reason why he was known as the best in his class. But every once in a while, someone would force him to go home. Which was what happened today. He had been scheduled for a forty eight hour shift but he was sent home twenty four hours early because apparently he hadn't left the hospital in six days and that wasn't healthy. Maybe a day off would be good for him. Addison was off today so he could spend the day with her.

Addison would probably enjoy the surprise of him spending the day with her, she was always complaining that he was spending too much time at the hospital. He got to his apartment building and nodded towards his doorman. The doorman's eyes went wide and he nervously greeted Derek, which was weird. They had never been overly friendly too him but Derek had always been polite. It shouldn't be weird that he was saying good morning. Maybe he had just thought that Derek had moved out. He reached the door to his apartment and reached for his keys, then paused.

"Oh, Brian, god, yes, oh god, oh god, yes ,yes." He heard through the door.

"Fuck Addie Fuck!" a male voice called out.

She was cheating on him. His wife was having an affair. He put his keys back into his pocket and sunk to the floor. He could still hear the sex noises through the door. Some guy was fucking his wife. How could Addison do this to him? They were married. They said forever in front of all of their friends and family. She was the reason he wasn't on the same side of the country as Mark and Meredith. She was the reason he had given up on the idea of having children. He gave up all of these things because he made vows. They had made a commitment. He had given up everyone who was important to him for her and she couldn't even care enough to not fuck some dude named Brian.

Brian. Brian, the name sounded familiar. Derek tried to place it but his brain was racing. He had been Addison's friend since med school. Had Addison been fucking this guy since med school? Was she fucking this guy while she was planning their wedding? He stood up and grabbed the keys from his pocket and slammed the door open. He thought he would be prepared for what he was seeing. He thought the past ten minutes of sitting on the floor of his apartment hallway would prepare him for the sight of his wife and her friend being half naked together. But it hadn't.

"Derek?" His wife gasped.

"Hey Addie, have a good round of sex with Brian? Sounded like a whole lot of fun." He spat.

"I- I'm sorry." The man said with wide eyes looking at Addison.

"Get the fuck out of my apartment before I physically remove you." Derek growled as the man grabbed his shirt and scurried out.

"Derek..." Addison said as tears started to fill her eyes.

"Addie." He breathed. "What the fuck."

"I- I don't know what happened." She said.

"You don't know what happened? Well let me enlighten you. You fucked some guy that wasn't your husband." He snapped.

"I know I did." She said quickly. "I meant- I don't know how it happened. I never wanted to cheat on you Derek. You have to know that."

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