year 6

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"And then you pour it in, you mix it, you make sure it looks exactly how it did when you found it, and you meet me out here." Mark said as they huddled in the backyard. They were going to get into so much trouble for this. But it will be worth it. Nancy had been a real bitch all weak talking about her stupid dance, so Mark and Derek decided it was important to show her who's really in charge. And it will be so funny. "Okay." Derek said.

"You have the game plan?" Mark asked. Mark was really good at pranks, it's the main reason why Derek kept him around.

"I have the plan." Derek confirmed.

"Plan for what?" a small voice said besides them.

"Oh crap." Mark said.

"Hi Meredith!" Derek said enthusiastically.

"Hi Derek!" The eight year-old replied.

"I guess we should abort the mission." Mark sighed.

"Why?" Derek asked.

"Because she heard us?" Mark said pointing to Meredith.

"So?" Derek asked.

"So girls ruin everything." Mark sighed.

"Not Meredith." Derek said.

"Yea not me." Meredith agreed.

"Meredith is cool." Derek said.

"Like Wonder Woman." Meredith nodded.

"Exactly." Derek smiled. "Like Wonder Woman."

"Fine, whatever. Grey, you can be a look out." Mark ordered.

"Sit in front of the house and yell..." Mark paused trying to come up with something for her to yell.

"Yell Superman." Derek said.

"Derek!" Meredith gasped. "It's your..." Meredith leaned in to whisper, "secret identity."

"I know." Derek said. "Yell it so only we know you are talking to me."

"So yell 'Superman' if you see a sister coming into the house, okay?" Mark asked.


Derek and Mark crept into the house. Mark was going to talk to Mom while Derek was going to sneak into the girl's bathroom. Once he saw the coast was clear, he scrambled upstairs. He found Nancy's shampoo and opened it. He pulled the hair dye from under his shirt and carefully added it to the shampoo. After shaking the bottle and making sure the bathroom looked untouched, he crept back downstairs.

"SUPERMAN" He heard Meredith yell.

Crap! Derek walked quickly outside to meet Meredith who was being questioned by Nancy.

"Why did you just yell 'Superman?'" Nancy asked.

"Hey Nancy." Derek interrupted as Meredith looked at him with wide eyes. "What's up?"

"Loser." She greeted. "Why are you being weird?" She asked suspiciously.

"I'm not being weird. Why are you asking Mer weird questions?" Derek asked.

"Why is she yelling weird things?" Nancy asked.

"She's not. Superman is not weird." Derek frowned at his sister. "Superman is the coolest superhero. He is an alien, who can fly, has super strength, can shoot lasers out of his eyes, and is bullet proof." He explained. Nancy hated hearing about comic book stuff so maybe she would get bored and leave.

"Okay, but why did she yell 'Superman'" Nancy asked. Crap, she wasn't getting bored.

"Derek." Meredith turned to him. Oh god, please let her not ruin this. "What super powers does Wonder Woman have?" She asked. That's his girl.

"Wonder Woman has super strength, she can fly, she has bullet proof bracelets, she has super agility, she can talk to animals, and she carries a lasso of truth that can make anyone tell the truth."

"Oh." Meredith thought for second. "Wonder Woman sounds a lot cooler than Superman."

"Okay, I'm going to let you two have your nerd fest, I'm going inside." Nancy rolled her eyes and went inside. After the door shut Derek grinned at Meredith.

"Great job!" He said as he held out his hand for a high-five.

"Thank you." She smiled proudly.

(this was inspired by katie and alyssa from

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