year 3

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Meredith was missing. She had come over to their house an hour ago and now no one could find her. This was really weird, Meredith never left Chuck or Derek's side, and now she was missing. The whole family had split up to look for her around the house and the backyard. A nanny had dropped her off this morning instead of her mom or dad which was really weird, and Meredith looked sad. This was the first time she had come over all week. Everything was really weird and Derek didn't like it.

"Meredith!" He yelled as he walked into the basement. He turned into the laundry and found her curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. He walked towards her and sat down next to her.

"Meredith." He whispered. He saw a small tear roll down her cheek. "What's wrong?"

"Daddy's gone." She said softly as more tears went down her face. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him.

"Where did he go?" He asked.

"I dunno" She whispered.

"When is he coming back?" Derek asked.

"Mommy say's-" She hiccupped as more tears filled her eyes. "Mommy say's he's not coming back."

"Oh." He looked at her not knowing what to do.

"I want him to come back." Meredith sniffled.

"Me too." Derek said. He never liked Meredith's dad but he definitely didn't like Meredith being sad more.

"So now Mommy say's we are going to Boston." Meredith said. "We are leaving tonight."

"Why are you going to Boston?" He asked.

"I dunno." Meredith said. "I think Mommy is really sad."

"That makes sense." Derek said quietly. "I think my mom would be really sad if my dad was no longer here."

"But now I am going to go to Boston, and you can't come with. I asked her." She said as she wrapped her arms around him. "I already miss my Daddy, and now I am going to miss you too."

"Oh Mer," He sighed. "I'm going to miss you too." This wasn't fair. Meredith had really mean parents. She shouldn't have to go to stupid Boston if she doesn't want to. And if Derek wasn't around, who's going to get her lemonade or help tie her shoes. This wasn't fair.

"I don't want to go to Boston." Meredith said.

"I don't want you to go to Boston either." Derek responded.

"This is a really mean punishment." Meredith murmured.

"What are you being punished for?" Derek asked quietly.

"I called when Mommy told me not to." She said. "But it was really scary." A flood of tears fell from her eyes and Derek held her close.

"It's okay Mer." He said as he squeezed her tight.

She sniffled as the tears slowed down.

"It's okay."

"I'm okay. I'm not crying anymore Derek." She said.

"That's good." He gave a small smile. She released him and stood up. Then she leaned forward and kissed Derek on the cheek.

"Thank you Derek." She said quietly. "I'm gonna miss you a whole lot when I'm in stupid Boston."

"I'll miss you too." He said as he got up, grabbed her hand and lead her upstairs. He hated this. He really didn't like when Meredith was sad, and he absolutely hated that she was going to Boston. She was only five years old, why would she be punished this much for calling someone? He parents were so mean. Her mom was punishing her for calling someone by taking Meredith away from him, and her dad was gone. Dad's weren't supposed to leave. They were supposed to stay and be dads. None of this was fair.

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