year 25

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Meredith could seriously kill Addison. She could and she wouldn't even feel bad about it. That bitch cheated on Derek for five years. Five fucking years. Then she had the audacity to accuse Derek of cheating. Addison had stolen five years of Derek's life and Meredith was ready to straight up murder her.

On top of that, a few months ago Addison had started calling Derek every day. Derek of course was avoiding her calls because you don't answer the phone calls from bitches who cheat on their husbands for five years. So Meredith answered it and had to talk Addison out of moving to Seattle to try to get Derek back. Because she was willing to ruin Derek's friendship with his best friend since childhood to stay in New York, but after she fucked some guy for five years, it was time to make a change.

And Derek now was just angry. He was angry at the world. Derek had always been a happy guy until he met Addison. Then he turned into an empty shell of who he was and now he was just filled with rage at the world and Addison. Meredith couldn't even blame him. Who cheats on someone for five years? This is why Meredith never dated, people suck.

Her life now was working and drinking with Derek. Derek really liked drinking now. He had never been the type of guy to pick up girls at bars but apparently that was his new favorite hobby. Which Meredith got, she was no stranger to the stranger hook up but it wasn't Derek. This wasn't who Derek was. And he always had to go to the girl's place because he decided to live in a trailer in the middle of nowhere. The trailer was actually kind of nice but she just didn't know what was going on with him.

"Oh, he's shooting, he's shooting." Meredith's friend Cristina said pointing at Derek talking to a girl across the bar.

"He's not going to score, he's way too drunk." Meredith murmured looking down at his drink.

"I don't know, McDreamy has his ways." Cristina snickered.

"Ass." She heard called out from across the room.

"Guess you were right." Cristina said.

"If there's anyone I know well, it's Derek." She sighed, taking a sip of her drink.

"If you're so in love with just tell him." Cristina said quietly.

"I can't." Meredith groaned.

"Why not?" Cristina asked.

"He's a mess. Just look at him." She pointed to him almost stumbling to the bar.

"So? Fix him with your lady love or whatever."

"We can't start something when he's like this. He just got divorced and he's drunkenly trying to pick up girls. He's been the most important person in my life since I was about three years old. I can't screw our whatever up." She said as Derek got a drink thrown in his face.

"Well- Hi McDreamy." Cristina said as Derek joined them at the bar.

"So what did you say to that last girl to get her to throw her drink at you?" Meredith asked

"I'm not entirely sure." Derek sighed.

"Derek..." Meredith sighed.

"I'm going to go... over there... for a while." Cristina said leaving the two.

"Meredith what." He said tiredly.

"I think you know what." She said placing her hand on his back.

"I just got divorced." He excused.

"And for how long are you planning on being sad divorced guy?" She asked.

"I'm not sad divorced guy." He shook his head.

"Fine. You're angry whory drunk divorced guy. That better?" She asked

"Yes." He sighed.

"Well okay." She said.

"I just-" he said, then abruptly pulled her in close and pressed his lips against hers. His hands moved to her back as his tongue gained entry to her mouth. He tasted like alcohol and his shirt was sticky from the drink that was thrown at him. This was what she wanted but not like this. Not drunk him making out with her in a bar in front of their coworkers. She slowly pushed him off.

"Derek." She said.

"Oh god." He looked at her with wide eyes.

"it's okay." She said with a quiet calm voice.

"No it's not. Oh god. I'm going to go."

"Derek." She said grabbing his hand. "You can't drive and cabs don't go to the trailer. Take a cab to my place and crash on the couch."

"you don't have to do that." He said shaking his head.

"I do. You're my Derek." She said with a small smile.

"Okay. I'm sorry." He said.

"It's okay. I'll be home in a little bit." She said.

"Yea. Okay. See you later." He said as he left the bar and hailed a cab.

Meredith turned to Cristina.

"So am I supposed to pretend I didn't see that?" Cristina asked.

"Yes." Meredith responded.

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