Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Run. Dodge. Stab. Repeat.

Run. Dodge. Stab. Repeat.

Just before I sprint around the corner, I see a huge goblin advancing on the three children. I bite my tongue so hard it draws blood, but I hardly notice the coppery taste. Bard suddenly crashes into my view, but buildings and stone block my vision and all I can do is pray that he saves the children.

I manage to snatch another small sword as I run and see the large pack of orcs chasing Bilbo just ahead of me. I throw the sword with a grunt, and it embeds itself into the pale, filthy back of an orc. How I wish I had my bow.

The orcs are spread out enough that I see Bilbo; running pathetically with his little sword sticking out and glowing blue. I know I probably look the same, but he looks so small and miserable that I can't help but smirk.

I see another stampede of orcs in the corner of my eye, and shout to warn Bilbo.

"Bilbo! On your left!"

He glances around, and then does one of the smartest things I've ever seen him do; he stops suddenly, and all the orcs go barreling past him. Then he turns around and runs back towards me and grabs my arm, pulling me the other way.

We run the outer edge of the city, where orcs and goblins are still pouring in. I see Thranduil riding towards the city on his elk, still cutting down orcs left and right.

Bilbo and I run into the main square where most of the Elves are fighting. We join into the fray, though our effort is pointless. There are simply too many orcs. I glance out the front gate of the city and get a glimpse of the battle raging outside. The dwarves will fall soon, too, but instead of feeling scared and angry, I only fight harder.

Everyone seems to be tiring, though more orcs just keep streaming into the city. I see Gandalf fighting at the edge of the square, though he doesn't look too bloody, which I'll take as a good sign.

Something clonks me on the head as I spin around, and my vision blackens on the edges. An orc takes advantage of my weak state and charges at me, until a blade sticks through its gut.

"You okay, Amariel?" Bilbo says, breathing hard from all the fighting. I blink and shake my head, trying to clear my vision.

"Fine," I mutter, and I stumble off in the other direction.

Kili's POV

Amariel. All I can think about is Amariel. She's out there somewhere, probably fighting, along with all the others whose lives are being lost because of us. We caused this war. And now we're not even fighting in it. She could be dead for all I know. And she would've died thinking I hate her. I don't. I love her. I do. But I don't. But I do.

Why didn't she just tell me about her stupid dreams in the first place?

I pace back and forth, most of the Company waiting in front of the Gate. Thorin is back in the mountain, presumably sitting on his throne or sifting through all the gold that's driving him insane.

I've lost him and Amariel. Two of the people I care most about.

But I still have Fili. He sits away to the side, his head in his hands. I wonder how everything would play out different if he was king. I walk over and sit next to him and lean my head on his shoulder.

"You alright, little brother?" he asks. I sigh.

"We should be out there, fighting, not sitting in here like cowards!" I say. Fili stays quiet.

"Dwalin's talking to Thorin now," he says eventually. "Maybe he can talk some sense into him."

"You don't sound very certain."

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