Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After searching the forest for a bit, we finally found the troll's cave. The smell made us retch, but we went into it anyway. Thorin, Gandalf and I began looking at the many swords leaning in tubs, while the other dwarves looked greedily at the gold that was lying on the ground.

"Seems a shame just to leave it lyin' around, anyone could take it!" Bofur said, pushing the coins around with his boot.

"Agreed! Nori, get a shovel!" Gloin said.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Thorin looking at two swords in amazement. Gandalf apparently noticed to, because he turned towards him and grabbed one of the swords.

"These swords were not made by any troll," Thorin said.

"Nor were they made by any smith among men," Gandalf said, examining the blade. I peered around Gandalf an got a good look at the hilt of the sword.

"These were forged in Gondolin, by the High Elves of the First Age," Gandalf says, taking the blade out of its sheath and looking at the inscription.

Thorin, realizing that they are Elvish blades, begins putting the sword back in the tub, but Gandalf says;

"You couldn't wish for a finer blade!"

Thorin reluctantly takes back the sword and yanks it out of its sheath. The Elvish writing engraved on it gleams in the light coming from the mouth of the cave. He attaches the sheath to his belt and begins walking out of the cave, looking at the other dwarves in annoyance.

"We're makin' a long term deposit," Gloin explains. Dwalin looks at him in disgust.

"Let's get out of this foul place, come on. Bofur! Gloin! Nori!" Thorin shouts.

I head out of the cave and take a deep breath of fresh air. Gandalf comes out last, holding something, which he hands to Bilbo. They speak for a moment, and when Bilbo turns around and starts over to me, I notice a small sheath strapped on his belt.

"Nice sword," I say, pointing at his belt. He gives a small laugh, but I can see the worry in his face.

"I just hope I won't have to use it," he responds shakily. He pauses for a moment.

"Where did you get yours?" Bilbo asks, gesturing to the sword hanging from my own belt.

"It's Kili's spare," I say.

"I see," Bilbo says, smirking ever so slightly. I look at him, confused, but he just shrugs.

"Something's coming!" Thorin yells, and we all arm ourselves, Kili nocking an arrow, and the rest of us unsheathing our swords.

"Theives! Fire! Murder!" A figure comes into view, a short man riding what looks like a sleigh pulled by rabbits.

"Radagast! Radagast the Brown! What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf says, sheathing his sword again and walking up to the strange man.

"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong," Radagast says gravely.

"Yes?" Gandalf asks urgently.

Radagast opens his mouth, but doesn't say anything. He looks at a loss for words, and says,

"Just give me a minute. Oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it. It was right there, on the tip of my tongue."

He curls his tongue and then looks surprised. The dwarves, Bilbo, and I watch with confusion and shock.

"Oh, it's not the thought at all; it's just a little-" Gandalf pulls a small bug out of Radagast's mouth and places it in his hand.

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