Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Amariel's POV

I saw Kili staring at the female elf and scowled. She was pretty, no one could deny that, but I still felt envious. That was until I saw the captain of the guard.

I tried to keep myself from staring, but he was handsome. Very handsome. He had blonde hair that had tiny braids woven into it. His blue eyes seemed to pierce everything he glanced at, including me. His eyes landed on me and lingered, even as he shot arrow after arrow, never missing.

I still had my bow drawn, and as a spider crept up behind the elf, I aimed and shot, barely missing his head. He looked me, raising one eyebrow. I raised my own eyebrow, but then glanced away quickly. Kili. I had Kili.

Suddenly elves came out of nowhere, bows drawn, and surrounded us. They shouted to each other in elvish, and the captain slid up to Thorin, pointing his arrow in his face.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure."

The elves spoke rapidly in elvish to each other, and I found I could understand bits and pieces of their sayings.

"Search them," the captain ordered.

The female elf strode up to me and yanked my bow out of my hands, then my quiver off my back. She took Kili's sword out of its sheath and inspected it.

"An elf who uses a dwarvish blade," she said, surprised. Then she looked at my height.

"What are your origins?" she asked.

"I am half hobbit," I said defensively. She looked at me strangely and walked away with my weapons.

"Oi! Give it back, that's private!" I spun around to see Gloin being searched by the captain of the guard, who had discovered his locket.

"Who is this? Your brother?" the elf asked.

"That is my wife!" Gloin shouted.

"And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?" the elf asked disgustedly.

"That's my wee lad, Gimli!" Gloin protested. The captain took the locket and walked away towards the female elf.

They spoke in elvish, but I could understand enough to tell they were talking about the spiders.

One of the elves handed the captain Thorin's blade.

"This is an ancient elvish blade! Forged by my kin. Where did you get it?" the captain asked suspiciously.

"It was given to me," Thorin said.

"Not just a thief, but a liar as well," the captain accused.

"Take them away!" he ordered in elvish.

We were all herded into a line and forced forward.

"Thorin, where's Bilbo?" Bofur whispered. Bilbo. Where had he gotten off to? I left him in the canopy, so who knows what happened to him after. Did the spiders get him? Is he even still alive? Thorin looked around, and I saw a glint of hope in his eye. He had to be alive. He had to be.

As we came out of the forest, a great gate lay before us. Elves guarded the entrance, and they opened the doors for us.

Two elves stood next to Thorin and me while they took the rest down to the dungeons. I had a bad feeling we were going to meet the king.

"Some may imagine a noble quest is at hand. A quest to reclaim a homeland, and slay a dragon." The elven king, Thranduil, stood before Thorin, striding about in front of his throne. I stood off to the side, instructed to wait until the king was done with Thorin.

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