Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

As soon as the guard shut me into my room and locked the door, I began pacing. Even if I were to get out, I had no weapons, what good would I do? I heard talking outside the room and sprang to the door, which then opened. It was Tauriel. She quickly shut the door behind her and said very firmly,

"You are instructed to stay here under orders of the king."

The only part that confused me is that as she was saying this, she was handing me my bow and arrows and Kili's sword. I looked at her suspiciously, about to say something, but she put her hand over my mouth.

"You'll have to figure out the rest," she whispered. Then she left. I stared at the weapons in my hands in a trance like state. Shouts from below the balcony startled me out of my stupor, and I realized what had to be done. I changed out of my dress and into my hunting clothes quickly, snatching a bag from one of the shelves and stuffing the dress in it. I would take it, just in case. I strapped the sheath of the sword to my belt and slung my bow and quiver onto my back. I peered over the balcony, making sure there were no guards in sight. Then I jumped.

Just as I had planned, my hands hit a tree branch and I gripped it tightly. I swung myself up onto the branch and ran along it swiftly and noiselessly. I headed for the gates. which were luckily open. I contemplated how I was going to get out the doors without the guards noticing me, when an orc jumped in front of the open doors and quickly decapitated one of the guards. The other killed the orc, signaling as he did. I took this opportunity and jumped down from my tree, darting out the door before the guard could stop me.

I glanced around frantically, not sure which way to go, when I heard shouting to my left. Orcs were spewing out of the trees, cutting down any elf in their path. I nocked an arrow and shot, hitting a surprised orc in the stomach. I jumped into the battle, slaying orcs madly. I dashed off in the direction the other orcs went, hoping it was the right way, and thankfully, it was. When I came in view of the river, I saw one of the strangest battles I had ever seen. Orcs were everywhere, trying to kill everyone who wasn't their own kin. The elves seemed unsure of what do do, trying to kill the orcs and recapture their prisoners at the same time.

And then there was the dwarves. All thirteen of them were floating down the river in barrels, swiping at the orcs with anything they could salvage. This was definitely Bilbo's idea, and I saw him holding on with all his might to Gloin's barrel. I almost laughed at the sight of them, but then an orc charged at me, and I had to look away, focusing on the battle before me.

I heard shouts from the dwarves, and looked over at them to see that the elves had closed the water gate leading out the rest of the river. The dwarves were trapped. More orcs came crashing out of the trees, and I turned my attention back to them, shooting any orc that came into view.

I glanced at the dwarves once again, and saw an orc holding an axe, about to swing it down on Kili's head. I shot an arrow at it, hitting it in the head. Kili looked up at me, noticing me for the first time. His eyes widened, shouted my name, though it was lost in the sounds of battle. I turned around just in time to see an orc swing its dagger at my face. I ducked to late, and the knife nicked my on the cheek. I felt blood trickling down my face, but I ignored it, stabbing the orc through the head with my arrow.

Suddenly Tauriel appeared, Legolas at her side. She noticed me, and a mischievous smile lit her lips. She winked at me, and then engaged in the battle raging around us. I copied her, shooting every orc in sight.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kili jump out of his barrel and onto the stones next to the river. Stealing a knife from a passing orc, he cut down every goblin in his path, trying to reach the lever that would open the gate to the river. I shot an orc charging at Legolas, and then I heard a cry of pain.

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