Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

When I awoke, I was in an unknown place, alone. I tried to sit up, but the pain in my back pulled me back down. I realized now that I had been shot by an arrow, and that I should be thankful to be alive.

As I flopped back down onto the pillows, I heard a noise outside the door.

"- think she's awake yet?" I knew this voice; Fili. Kili answered, "I don't know, I just want to see her." I smile at that. Next came Gandalf, who said, "No, no, let me go in, alone, thank you." I heard protests, and my smile widened. The door opened and Gandalf walked in. He smiled immediately when he saw I was awake, and sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Amariel! Decided to wake up?" he asked. "How are you?"

"Healing," I responded. "How long have I been out?"

"Just the night," Gandalf replied, and I sighed in relief. "Where are we?" I questioned.

"Rivendell" Gandalf said, and my eyes widened.

"My mother! Is she here? What about my father?" I asked quickly.

"Not so fast," Gandalf smiled. "Your mother and father both came in to see you last night. They would like to see you again before we leave, so we should be quick. Do you think you can walk alright?"

Before I can answer the door bursts open and Fili and Kili run in.

"Amariel!" Kili grins, striding past a muttering Gandalf and hugging me tightly.

"Ouch, Kili that hurts," I say, even though I'm smiling. "Oops, sorry," he says, smiling sheepishly.

Fili hugs me next, considerably gentler than his brother. Gandalf glares at them, and says, "Well, as I was saying, if you would like to see your parents, we must do it now."

Gandalf leads Fili, Kili, and me through the vast, colorful halls of Rivendell. My parents would meet me in one of the courtyards, and only Gandalf seemed to know where we were going. We stopped at an opening that led outside, an Gandalf motioned for me to go out. I slowly peered around the corner, and when I saw two figures I stepped out.

My parents noticed me right away, and for a few moments we only stared. I was shocked to see how much I resembled my mother, both of us had light auburn hair, green eyes, and a confident stature. She stood in brown pants and a loose blue blouse, and a bow was strapped to her back. It seemed the only thing I inherited from my father was my height and light dusting of freckles. He looked somewhat like Bilbo; the same brown curly hair, button-up jacket, and knee length pants.

My mother was the first to break the silence.

"Amariel," she said quietly. Her mouth curved into a gentle smile that I couldn't help smiling back to.

"Oh, Amariel, how you've grown," she began again, and she opened her arms in embrace. I didn't hesitate before stepping into them. We hugged tightly for what seemed like forever, and then I turned to my father.

"You look just like your mother," he said as he embraced me. My already huge smile widened, and I realized that I finally felt at home.

"Amariel, we don't have much time," Gandalf said softly from the doorway.

I stepped away from my father and told them, "When I come back, we can be a proper family. But, do... do I have any siblings?" I asked.

My mother smiled fondly. "You had a brother," she said sadly. "But he died on the battlefield. He was a few years older than you."

My eyes welled up with tears, but they were interrupted by Gandalf, who said, "Amariel, we must leave, now."

I glanced at him, then looked back at my parents. I smiled, and they smiled back. The tears in my eyes began to fall, and my mother pulled me into a hug. I embraced both of them each once more, then turned to leave.

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