Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Amariel's POV

I run towards the roar of Smaug, praying that my guess is right, that the dragon will be where the dwarves are. My tattered dress flutters around my thighs, but I don't give it a second thought as I use every ounce of elvish strength in me to make it to the dwarves before Smaug does.

"Thorin!" I know that voice. Bilbo.

I whip around the corner just in time to see Thorin running for a cliff of stone. And as he jumps, I jump with him.

My hand grabs a chain, and even though it burns, I slide down to where Thorin landed, crouching next to him and leaning into his body. Smaug exploded over the edge after us, and as we fly down further into the cavern, he follows closely.

I hear a crash from above us, and just glimpse a dwarf hitting the machine that controls our basket before Smaug interrupts my view.

"Thorin! Hold on!" Dwalin. The machine we're on stops abruptly, and we start heading the opposite direction; up. We shoot past Smaug, who has to pause before able to turn around to keep up the chase. We suddenly jolt to a stop, and look down to see Smaug holding onto the tail end of our contraption. My arms shift from the chain to around Thorin, who holds me tightly, and we jump to the next chain. Smaug's face comes level with us, and then the machine falls on top of him, flattening his head.

The chain jerks, and we're off again, zooming up and away from Smaug. Heat singes my tips of my hair again, but I don't look back. I can see the light of Smaug's fire, even when looking forward. We land on a platform, Nori urging us on.

"Go, go!" Thorin shouts, and we finally dash into the forges, our pace slowing for the first time in what seems like forever.

"The plan's not goin' to work," Dwalin says, his accent thick. "These furnaces are stone cold."

I spot Kili and Fili on the edge of the group, and Kili's eyes meet mine, his pupils widening and his mouth parting.

"He's right, we've no fire hot enough to set them ablaze," Balin admits.

"Have we not," I mutter, and give Thorin a sidelong glance. The corner of his mouth twitches, and he looks out into Erebor. Smaug growls in the distance, which gives Thorin an idea.

"I did not look to see you so easily outwitted!" Thorin taunts. Smaug's claw appears over the edge, and by the way his talons dig into the stone, he heard the insult.

"You've grown slow, and fat, in your dotage... slug..."

Smaug's head raises up over the ledge with a look on his face that could kill without even using his fire. Thorin grins as red glows in Smaug's throat.

"Take cover, go!" he instructs quietly, and we all pick a pillar and lean our backs against it, bracing ourselves for the heat and force of the fire. In seconds, all the forges are blazing with yellow light. Smaug backs away, unable to see what he did for a moment, but when the Company begins frantically running about, he realizes he can't get in. He pounds against the heavy metal bars, denting them. It won't be long before he gets in.

"Bombur, get those bellows working!" Thorin shouts, and Bombur waddles off and jumps onto the nearest bellow.

"Bilbo, Amariel! Up there, on my mark, pull that lever!" Thorin commands, pointing up at a high ledge. Bilbo nods swiftly, and he and I take off for the stairs.

Thorin shouts below, something about a flash flame, but I concentrate on my feet making it up each stair.

A final crash echoes, and Smaug breaks through the bars, the metal splayed outward like someone who had broken out of prison. All the choas around the forges has Smaug confused where to look, but eventually he locates the last person I want him to; Kili. He lumbers towards him, jaws open and flame brewing in his throat. Kili looks sick, and doesn't know which way to go. Thorin is occupied with Balin, and Fili is no where to be seen, which bothers me. I think fast, and out of all the possiblities running through my head, I go with the stupidest one.

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