Chapter 31

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David didn't even ask any questions when I hadn't come out of my room until now, three days after what happened at Mathews. I had hand print bruises on my rib cage and shoulders, I also had had bruises on my back from being slammed. That didn't hurt as much as my heart. He hadn't even contacted me since.

But today was the day back to school after spring break, so I had to pull myself back together and try to put a bandage on my whole being.

I pulled on a pair of leather pants and a blank red t shirt with red converses. I straitened my hair and applied all my make up but my lip gloss, I put in some diamond studs and I clasped my locket on. Screw everyone.

Mathews p.o.v

It's over.

I hurt her, after wanting to hurt everyone but her, I hurt her the worst, telling her to get out.. I saw her breaking in her eyes, through my own. Then I put my hands on her, hearing her scream my younger brothers name for help shattered my own heart and made me realize I'd never have her again.

I was no different than how I was when I thought I killed Owen. I can't talk to her, I don't have any respect for myself anymore, I wounded an angel, clipped her wings and now I was so screwed.

I pulled on a pair of old jeans and a shirt shed bought me for my birthday that was hidden under my All American Rejects hoodie.

I drove myself to school and when I got there, I kept my eyes on nothing but my shoes or my hands. I avoided my locker, just walked into first period, completely forgetting we had first period together. She was in the back corner, her knees pulled up to her chest in her chair, writing in her journal earlier than anyone else, head phones plugged into her ears.

I looked at the screen for the prompt we were supposed to write about.

Today I'd like you all to write about the most interesting thing about your spring break but wrote it in a form of a letter to a person you spent that moment with.

Screw my life. I thought to myself and I sat in my seat, pulling out my journal and I began to write.

Dear Mary Anne,

I'm sorry for my actions over the weekend. I could try to say I was mad as an excuse but that's know excuse to what I did to you. My heart is shattered and I'm so lost. I'm trying to better my self but every time I try I get no where. I love you so much but I can't do this.
-Mathew Ingles

I slammed my notebook shut and walked out, ignoring the teachers calls and I punched every locker I passed until my knuckles were bloodied and I sank down like a child and I cried. I cried over my lost love, I cried over her, Mary Anne Romeirez.

Mary Anne's p.o.v

I watched as he raged and left the room and I heard him screaming and then I heard him crying, and everything in me collapsed and I began crying. Tears splashing into my notebook splurging the blue lines together and making my words seem rugged and squiggly.

I let the class room after the teacher told me to go get a breath of air and I ran in the opposite direction I knew Mathew had chosen and ran into the restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, as I sobbed into my hands and I got so fed up with my reflection.

He'll never love you like you thought.
He was just playing you.
He hit it and quit it.
Your disgusting.
He never loved you.
He lied through his teeth and you fell for it, you fell for him.
Stupid ugly whore.

I punched the mirror, creating a cracked web of different images of me, along with blood on some of the cracks. Then I passed out.

Yo by the way you lovely bitches should go check out soccergirl2k16 give her some love and read her new story for real I'm sure it'll be great

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