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After yesterday I just feel magical and free almost. The energy is just glowing off of me and I honestly can't wait to see him again Monday. Ricky wanted us to hang out today so I told Mathew I'd just see him tomorrow.

"I still can't believe you cut your hair." Ricky says and I laugh, it feels so much lighter but I really think it suits me. I just pulled on a simple black tank top and jeggings, I a,so threw on my high top converses and straitened my hair. I did a smokey eye with my make up and applied the same lip gloss.

I walked down the stairs and Ricky was technically dressed like me anyways. He had on a black tank and raggedy old jeans and red converses. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask him, grabbing my phone and he smirks.

"I'm getting a tattoo." He says and my jaw drops.

"Of what?!" I ask and he chuckles.

"Moms date." He says and I close my eyes and nod. "I've always wanted it as a tattoo, just to remind me every now and then." He explains and I side hug him, "you ready?" And I smile.

"Yep." And with that we head out.

The sun is stinging my skin today, it's super hot outside. We just decide on walking though, since his car has black interior and it would take forever to get the air conditioning to come through.

That tattoo shop is pretty much empty except for the two workers and two girls getting piercings. The shop is blaring rap music, at least it's good music. The tattooers name is Dave, he's pretty cool. He lets me go back there with Ricky and Ricky looks so assured right now.

"What's the date of your moms death man?" He asks and Ricky takes his shirt off, he's getting the date in his collar bone.

"The fifth of April, 1997." He says and Dave sketches it.

4-5-97 Ricky nods his head yes, that's what he wants and they guy dips the needle into the ink and begins.

"So is this young lady here your girlfriend?" He asks, eyes raking over me.
Ricky must have noticed that too because he was glaring at him, "yeah, finance actually." Ricky states and I smile at his lie. I was holding his hand to start off with but now his thumb was running over my knuckles as the guy did the tattoo.

"Really now? Cause she don't look no older than fifteen." He states, damn he got that right on the spot.

"She's 19." Ricky says and the guys smirks.

"Alright, so how'd your mother die?" He asks and I know Ricky can't answer that she was giving birth to him because that would give away his real age of 17.

"Car wreck, you ask a lot of questions man." Ricky says, sounding annoyed." The guys spritzes some water on a napkin and wipes at the ink and blood.

"Well your done man." He says and explains how he should only keep the gauze on for thirty minutes and apply the ointment twice a day. "Hey, you want any piercings?" He asks and I wish he wouldn't have said that because I do.

"Yeah." I say and he smiles. "I want one right here." I say touching the top of my lip closer to the right hand side.

"Alright, you want a diamond stud?" He asks and I nod. "Okay come back to the room." He says and I follow behind him. He puts peroxide on the spot and holds the piercing gun up to my face. "Are you ready?" He asks and I nod I feel the needle push through my lip and he's done. "Do you remember me?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow and he smirks. "I changed my name, I'm still surprised you don't know me." He says and my eyes focus in on his eyes.

I slip him fifty dollars for the piercing and walk fat as hell out of that room. "Let's go." I say to Ricky and I know my voice is totally off, but that was because I was in complete shock.

When we were outside Ricky pulled me under a tree and wast staring me in the eyes carefully. "What happened?" He growls and it completely throws me off, I've never heard him mad before, and he sounded pissed.

"You.. You remember Tyler Dawson, my last foster parent?" I ask in a whisper and he nods, "do you remember why I was sent back to foster care?" I ask and he nods, "he changed his damn name, that's him." I say seriously and his jaw drops.

"Oh god sis, I had no idea that was him, I'm so sorry, if I had known we wouldn't have gone anywhere near that shop." He says pulling me on for a quick hug.

"It's cool I didn't know either, he just told me." I say, running a hand through my hair.

"That's how he knew we weren't together, he knew it was you, he knows how old you are and everything." Ricky says and I nod. "He didn't try anything did he?" He asks, still looking mad.

"No, God no." I say and memories replay in my mind and I shake them away.

"Good, I'll cut his balls off." Ricky tells me and I laugh. We head back home and ambush dad while he making dinner, we shoot him with pellet guns and he comes running after both of us, I take hide underneath the stairs but dad catches Ricky and begins shooting Ricky with Ricky's own gun.

That's when I shoot dad in the butt and he screams, "SURRENDER, I SURRENDER!!!" I laugh and lay my gun down.

I walk up to my room and change into some shorts. I tie my hair up into a pony tail and think to myself.

Tyler Dawson knows everything about me. My blood type, my fears, my age, my parents names, everything.

A/n ooooooohhh freaky right??? Lol I love you guys thanks for the Comments and votes yall know the deal, the next comment and vote I'll post another chapter love you gush. Kisses!!!

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