PART TWO chapter 24

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Emma's p.o.v

Everyone was laughing and dancing as the part soothed on. I sat in the recliner, on my iPhone, with dad next to me. His attempts to talk to me were failing horribly, I felt bad for ignoring him like this, but that's just how I am. I was dressed decent for my little bro's birthday. I had on a white dress that went down to my knees, it had crosses all over it and my tan stuck out with the colors.
I had on some strap sandals and my hair was expertly curled, handing down to the middle of my back. Mathews girl was beautiful. She had shoulder length hair and red all in it, it looked amazing.
The black dress looked gorgeous on her and the heels really let me know just how tiny she was. Her wrists were flushed with silver bangles and her makeup was done to the tee.

She clung close to Mathew, letting me know she wasn't too comfortable with the family yet, but hey, none of us were. Mathew was dressed in a plain white tee, a blue Gangsta hoodie, Ripped jeans, and converse. His hair was styled spiked at the front, which was just his bangs, and the rest was combed down. His lip ring twinkled next to hers.

I was so happy for my younger brother, I could tell he loved this girl, I hope one day he would confess it before she grew tired of waiting.

Watching them made me want to cry, me and Owen were like that. So in love but so afraid to say anything. He had issues, but doesn't everyone? I knew strait, that there was no way I was the only woman in the world who had lost her child to domestic violence, I knew it.

But without my baby, or Owen, I was so lost. Me and Owen had been together so long, I've literally forgotten how to live alone, that's how long we were together.

I've been living with mom, focusing on school, just trying. I was just so stuck in this foggy haze and I couldn't seem to break through.

I noticed over the period of weeks that my eyes were losing color, my body losing weight, my smile losing purpose.

Nothing mattered. There was no reason to try anymore, I loved my family, but they'd move on, just like they've done over the years. As to my youngest brother girlfriend, beautiful Mary Anne, I wish her and him the best. I wish for them the fairy tale relationship I thought I had possessed.

"Emma, Dad wants you to make a toast." Shane says with a nudge into my arm.
I nodded and stood on a chair, hitting a fork against my coke can, gaining everyone's attention.

"My sweet brother, 17 years old, so gorgeous, so full of life.. You are a walking bomb of pride, your happiness and energy is so contagious, that's why people spiral around you, you have your own gravitational pull because of your huge heart. You are an inspiration to your generation, and I expect no less in the years you form into a man, start a family, and pass on those amazing genes to your own children so that they can carry your specialties." I have to stop for a moment, I'm getting teary eye'd.

"I couldn't ask for a better brother, a better kid that I practically raised, along with guidance from mom and dad, and even though we have broken apart in the past years as family, some how, you, My little brother, you somehow pull all of us together. And for that, we are all eternally grateful. Happy 17th birthday, and may you have another 17 years of greatness." And everyone clapped as I shared a hug with my littlest brother, crying hard into his shoulder.

Pull yourself together, for him, he needs this.

We pulled apart too, and he was also shedding a few tears.

Mathews p.o.v

God bless my sister, I saw her breaking up there, she's so torn, I just hope she's... Able to cope.

A/n hey beautifuls!!!! So... It hasn't been 32 days, but that's because I'm taking a special spin on the story!! See what taking time off can do?? ☺️ anyways, things are setting up and falling into place, hurray! Comment and vote bitches #please!!! Love you guys ttyl and p.s PART TWO in the heading for the title of the chapter yea bitches!! Part two mean part two three parts in the story!!! Half way there guys!!

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