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"Where were you?" Bucky asked as you caught up with the two men.

The three of you walked cautiously into the abandoned barn, your posture was relaxed and ready for anything, whereas Sam's was more tense. You could sense his nervousness from a mile away. You quickly turned to him ignoring Bucky's question.

"We'll get that shield," You reassured him. He smiled and nodded, walking in front of you and Bucky as you reached the middle of the barn.

You looked around while walking further into the building. The building was massive, machines and another tech was scattered around the whole place. Quite unpleasant to look at. The walls were falling apart, bricks deteriorating, the whole thing derelict as if it were about to fall apart.

But the most unpleasant sight was in the middle of the floor. John sat slouched, holding onto the still bloody shield. You grimaced a the sight, wanting nothing more but to turn around and leave. To be anywhere but here. With him.

John stood and walked over, clearly in some kind of pain. "You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good,"

"Stop, Walker," Sam said, even more defensibly than before. John's breath started speeding up as he walked back and forth in front of you.

"What?" John breathed. "You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!"

You shook your head; "He didn't kill Lemar," All you could hear is John scoffing. You didn't want to throw Karli in under the bus like that, but there was nothing else you could say that would persuade him that it wasn't Nico's fault.

"Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well." Bucky confessed. The guilt in his voice was clear, you felt bad you couldn't do more to help him. Instead you decided to keep quiet knowing you'd do nothing more than irritate him more.

"I'm not like you," John sneered making your heart beat to rise. You furrowed your eyebrows and almost immediately spoke up when you noticed that Bucky wouldn't stand up for himself.

"You're right. You're not like him because he's better." You pointed at John then Bucky, taking a step closer. "You did what you did 100% conscious. And Bucky did what he did because he was tortured into doing it." You took another step forwards, gripping your knife by your side. Before you could say anything else, Sam interrupted knowing you'd kill John soon if he didn't do anything.

"We don't want anyone else to get hurt. We don't want to hurt you either-"

"I want to hurt him," You shrugged, pursing your lips and tapping your foot onto the ground.

Sam sighed and continued. "John...You gotta give me the shield, man."

You mentally facepalmed yourself. That was the least persuading way to get the shield off of him and you wouldn't even be surprised if it turned into a blood bath. Bucky must have noticed too, because he gave you a sympathetic look, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Oh, so that's what this is." He said. "You almost got me,"

You huffed in agreement looking back at Bucky, cocking your eyebrow up and putting your lips in a line.

"You made a mistake," Sam tried to reason.

"You don't wanna do this,"

You inhaled; "Yeah, we do," You said in sync with Bucky, who was already charging at John. Kicks and punches were thrown all over the place. Sam got kicked but instantly got up, and Bucky's metal arm stopped John's hits with ease. Bucky ended up getting hit in the face with the shield, resulting in being thrown to the ground.

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